Scientific paper ID 1696 : 2018/3
Vasil Dimitrov, Petko Kostadinov, Martin Zlatkov The use of wind to produce electrical energy is a matter of great importance. Wind generator systems of varying structure and power are finding a wider application and one of them has been designed and built in the Todor Kableshkov University of Transport. Its operation leads to the saving of electricity - the produced energy is used to power supply of low-power consumers (lighting, computer equipment, etc.) but also creates conditions for research and tests by PhD students and lecturers as well as training the students. The report presents a way to manage wind turbine modes using a “Siemens Logo” PLC. For this purpose, a classification of the parameters and tasks to be monitored and performed by the PLC is made. An algorithm for the operation of the program for the management, control and protection of the facility is provided. An opportunity for manual management of the system during the research and tests is provided. The ability to change the angle of attack creates prerequisites for plotting a family of wind turbine performance characteristics as a function of angle α and determining its optimum according to the wind speed, battery voltage, and windings connection. In this way the optimal parameters of the facility at the respective wind speed can be determined and set in the PLC control program.
Ветрогенератор управление PLC Logo енергийна ефективностWind generator control PLC Logo energy efficiency.Vasil Dimitrov Petko Kostadinov Martin Zlatkov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Dimitrova E., SCADA cistemi za sgradna avtomatizatsiya, n. sp. “Mehanika, Transport, Komunikatsii”, ISSN 1312-3823, tom 14, broy 3/2, statiya № 1395, 2016 ( [1] Димитрова Е., SCADA cистеми за сградна автоматизация, н. сп. “Механика, Транспорт, Комуникации”, ISSN 1312-3823, том 14, брой 3/2, статия № 1395, 2016 ) [2] Dimitrov V., Dimitrova E., Using PLC for Control on Asynchronous Drives – Laboratory Simulator, 51-st Int. Sc. Conf. ICEST 2016, Ohrid, Macedonia, 28 – 30.06.2016, Proceedings, ISBN 978‐9989‐786‐78‐5, pp. 471-474 [3] Programmable Logic Controller LOGO! - Technical Data, Siemens AG, 2014 [4] Programmable Logic Controller LOGO! - Manual, Siemens AG, 2003 [5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tip-speed_rat... |