Scientific paper ID 1695 : 2018/3
Denitsa Borisova, Valentina Hristova The idea of this paper is to exploit, view and develop to larger extent the possibilities which are offered by multispectral instruments having mid spatial resolution in this case instruments on board of Landsat and Sentinel satellites. The mid spatial resolution leads to obtaining of the mixed data related to mixing of land covers and to a lot of mistakes in the interpretation of the images. The correct identification of the mixed pixels is key element for the segmentation of the shape of the artificial feature from the land cover. This especially holds true for objects with relatively narrow structure for example two-lane roads for which the spatial resolution is larger that the object itself. For better road identification in the used Landsat/Sentinel images in the study we have combined spectrometry of asphalt, and in-situ measured spectral reflectance of pavers made from granite. In this innovative research the spectral and directional reflection properties of the asphalt surfaces compared to those of paving stone made from different rocks are measured. The in-situ measurements are obtained using the Thematically Oriented Multichannel Spectrometer /TOMS/ designed in Remote Sensing System Department at Space Research and Technology Institute – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia.
Дистанционно изследване разпознаване на пътища Landsat Sentinel TOMSRemote Sensing Road Identification Landsat Sentinel TOMSDenitsa Borisova Valentina Hristova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Petkov, D., G. Georgiev, H. Nikolov. 2005. Thematically oriented multichannel spectrometer (TOMS). Aerospace Research in Bulgaria, No. 20, 51-54. [2] Kokaly, R., R. Clark, G. Swayze, K. Livo, T. Hoefen, N. Pearson, R. Wise, W. Benzel, H. Lowers, R. Driscoll, and A. Klein. USGS Spectral Library Version 7: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 1035. - USGS, 61p., 2017. [3] Banushev, B., S. Pristavova, R. Kostov, R. Pazderov, N. Tsankova, E. Raeva, S. Malinova. Rakovodstvo za uchebni praktiki po mineralogiya i petrografiya. IK “Sv. Ivan Rilski”, Sofiya, 144 s., 2012. ( [3] Банушев, Б., С. Приставова, Р. Костов, Р. Паздеров, Н. Цанкова, Е. Раева, С. Малинова. Ръководство за учебни практики по минералогия и петрография. ИК “Св. Иван Рилски”, София, 144 с., 2012. ) [4] Dabovski, H., I. Zagorchev, M. Ruseva, D. Chunev. Paleozoyski granitoidi v Sashtinska Sredna gora. - God. UGP, 16, 57-92, 1972.. ( [4] Дабовски, Х., И. Загорчев, М. Русева, Д. Чунев. Палеозойски гранитоиди в Същинска Средна гора. - Год. УГП, 16, 57-92, 1972.. ) [5] Zagorchev, I., S. Murbat. Datirane na granitoidniya magmatizam v Sashtinska Sredna gora po rubidievo-strontsieviya izohronen metod. – Sp. Balg. geol. d-vo, 47(1), 1-10, 1986. ( [5] Загорчев, И., С. Мурбат. Датиране на гранитоидния магматизъм в Същинска Средна гора по рубидиево-стронциевия изохронен метод. – Сп. Бълг. геол. д-во, 47(1), 1-10, 1986. ) [6] Avetisyan, D., Nedkov, R., “Determining the magnitude and direction of land cover changes in the semi-natural areas of Haskovo Region, Southeast Bulgaria,” Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2015, IEEE International, 4637-4640 (2015). |