Scientific paper ID 1687 : 2018/3

Stoyna Kostova

The article refers to the types of strengthening facilities used to reduce erosion in mountain areas such as stone walls, gabions, barrages, creepers, phasings, etc. The types of reinforcement used are given depending on the type of erosion. Part of the reinforcements is ecological type, compliant to nature. Strengthening activities and measures to improve the condition of eroded mountainous terrain, as well as modern design methods and technologies for the reinforcement of slopes are mentioned. In the article are given some of geosynthetic materials used to overcome the erosion of mountain and other slopes. Types of geosynthetic materials applicable to strengthening of slopes are described. Types of complex measures for the consolidation of embancment and slopes in mountain terrains are given. Protect the slopes from the action of temporary mountain water streams and floods. There are two main types of erosion depending on the areas affected and the depth of the excavated soil areas - surface and linear. There are given the reasons for the formation of linear forms of erosion - furrows and gullies. The main task is to reduce the destructive force of water by applying different types of protective and fortifying facilities. Examples of practice and project decisions in realizing conservation activities are given. Main conclusions, recommendations and measures for the construction of the reinforcement

укрепителни съоръжения каменни стени геосистеми геомрежи габиони ерозия.reinforcement structures stone walls geosystems geogrids gabions erosion.Stoyna Kostova


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