Scientific paper ID 1684 : 2018/3
Penko Tsvetkov Petkov, Valentin Aleksandrov Nikolov The friction between the wheels and the road is an important parameter on which the performance characteristics of the vehicles depend. Different external (in terms of the tire) and internal factors depending on the tire`s original characteristics are influenced by the nature of the change in friction. The split coefficient of friction has been adopted to quantify the friction between the support surface and the pneumatic tire (PT). The tasks for determining and analysing the results of the theoretical and experimental studies of the coefficient of adhesion versus road surface and automotive PT are some of the most complex ones in vehicle road construction and theory of motion.
Currently methods used in road construction and vehicle testing to determine the coefficient of friction differ in their nature. The results obtained for the coefficient of friction of the various methods also differ in quantitative terms. The purpose of this work is to perform a comparative analysis of the results obtained in the experimental studies of the road methods and those used in vehicle PT tests. Obtaining the aggregated coefficient of friction by applying of different methods for its determination will improve taking into account the impact of the road surface and PT on better road safety of the car transport. автомобилна гума; пътно покритие; сцепление с пътя; коефициент на сцепление; методи за определяне на коефециентаcar tires; road surface; grip with the road; split coefficient of friction; methods for determining the coefficientPenko Tsvetkov Petkov Valentin Aleksandrov Nikolov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Balakina E. V., N. M. Zotov, A. P. Fedin, T. A. Golubeva. 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