Scientific paper ID 1678 : 2018/3
Vasko Nikolov In the report, an in-depth analysis of the loads acting on the wheelset and influencing the strength characteristics of this particularly important safety feature of the structure of the 86 series of locomotives operated by private carriers in the country, as well as the causes of the breakage of the axles of the considered series of locomotives during operation is performed. A deion of the axle propulsion of this type of locomotive is presented, as outlined and described the main elements that build it. It is characterized by the type of drive and the position of the transmission according to the conventional classification of locomotive gears. A scheme of the wheel load during operation is given, and the forces which act and the place of application in the transmission are described. The ments that these essential elements of traffic safety have to meet are listed. A modeling, strength and deformation analysis of the structure using the finite element method was performed. The values of the individual parameters of the analysis and the places in which the extreme ones are obtained are given. The results with the failures obtained during operation are compared. Recommendations to remove and reduce such failures are given.
локомотиви колооси оси якостен анализ безопасност на движението метод на крайните елементи.locomotives wheelsets axles strength analysis safety of movement method of finite elements (MFE).Vasko Nikolov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Nikolov, V. Izsledvane na faktorite, vliyaeshti na dalgotraynostta na lokomotivnite koloosi, S. TU, 2008. ( [1] Николов, В. Изследване на факторите, влияещи на дълготрайността на локомотивните колооси, С. ТУ, 2008. ) [2] Ruzhekov, T., Zh. Dimitrov, D. Stoyanov, G. Staykov, A. Stefanov. Konstruktsiya, teoriya i proektirane na lokomotivi. S., TU - Sofiya, 1987. ( [2] Ружеков, Т., Ж. Димитров, Д. Стоянов, Г. Стайков, А. Стефанов. Конструкция, теория и проектиране на локомотиви. С., ТУ - София, 1987. ) [3] Stoychev G, Metod na kraynite elementi. Yakosten i deformatsionen analiz. TU, S, 2000. ( [3] Стойчев Г, Метод на крайните елементи. Якостен и деформационен анализ. ТУ, С, 2000. ) [4] EN 13261:2009 UIC Code 515-3. Rolling stock. Bogies – Running gear. Axle design calculation method. 2009. [5] Sitarz, M., A. Sladowski, K. Bizon, K. Chruzik, Design and investigation of railway wheelsets, Silesian university of technology, N59, Gliwice, 2003. |