Scientific paper ID 1674 : 2018/3
Dobrinka Borisova Atmadzhova Following one of the main objectives set - the creation of a calculation method for determination of the security against derailment, which corresponds to the approved by BDS EN 14363 and UIC code 518 experimental method with the same purpose - it is necessary, as a first step in this direction, to adapt the Nadal virtual model to the real (factual) facts while preserving some of its fundamental prerequisites, first of all - one point. In such ments calculation method is subject to a systematic improvement as authoritative assessment of its use in practice and its suitability may be given depending on the future development of the sufficient experimental results in quantity and quality. The adaptation in question is done through a dedicated model, which is closer to reality than Nadal`s model, respectively of BDS EN 14363 and UIC code 518, taking into account as a parameter the ratio of the vertical load of the non-attacking to the attacking wheel on the wheelset. In the created conditional system, when defining the boundary formula for the derailment criterion, an additional article is introduced, with distinction from the Nadal`s formula, with which new parameters are introduced. The limit value of the derailment criterion under the influence of the parameter takes into account the ratio of the vertical load of the attacking wheel to the non-attacking wheel from a single axle is reduced.
подвижен железопътен състав сили в контакта „колело-релса” сигурност срещу дерайлиране критерий на Nadal.rolling stock wheel-rail contact forces security against derailment Nadal`s criteria.Dobrinka Borisova Atmadzhova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] EN 14363: Railway applications - Testing for the acceptance of running characteristics of railway vehicles - Testing of running behaviour and stationary. EC For Standardization, 2005 [2] UIC Code 518 OR: Testing and approval of railway vehicles from the point of view of their dynamic behaviour - Safety – Track fatigue-Ride quality, International Union of Railways, 2003 [3] Nadal M. J.: Theorie de la stabilite des locomotives, Movement de Lacet, Annales des Mines, vol. 10, 1896, str. 232 [4] Sobaś M.: Stan i doskonalenie kryteriów bezpieczeństwa przed wykolejeniem pojazdów szynowych, Pojazdy Szynowe nr 4, 2005, str. 1-13, Pojazdy Szynowe nr 2, 2006, str. 37-48 [5] Raport ORE Frage B55: Sicherheit gegen Entgleisen von Güterwagen in Gleisverwindungen. Bericht Nr.8 ( Schlussbericht). Utrecht, April 1983 [6] Raport ORE Frage C138: Zulässige Höchstwerte der Y-und Q-Kräfte und Entgleisungskriterien. 1986 [7] Elkins J., Wu H.: New criteria for flange climb derailment, Railroad Conference, 2000. Proceedings of the 2000 ASME/IEEE Joint Volume , 1-7, 2000 [8] Wu H., Shu X., Wilson N.: TCRP Report 71, Track-Related Research, Volume 5: Flange Climb Derailment Criteria and Wheel/Rail Profile Management and Maintenance Guidelines for Transit Operations, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, 2005 [9] Bizic M., D. Petrović, D. Stamenković BASICS OF EXPERIMENTAL DETERMINATION OF WHEEL-RAIL CONTACT FORCES USING INSTRUMENTED WHEELSETS, FACTA UNIVERSITATIS SERIES: Mechanical Engineering Vol. 1, No 10, 2003, PP. 26 - 2 [10] Bižić M., Petrović D., METHODOLOGIES OF EXPERIMENTAL DETERMINATION OF WHEEL-RAIL CONTACT FORCES The XVI Conference RAILCON ‘14, Niš, Serbia, 2014 [11] Bižić M., D. Petrović, Tomić M. and Djinović Z. Development of method for experimental determination of wheel–rail contact forces and contact point position by using instrumented wheelset, Published 19.06.2017 Measurement Science and Technology, Vol. 28, No 7, 2018 [12] „Instruktsiya za koloosi na vagonite” – 1977 g. ( [12] „Инструкция за колооси на вагоните” – 1977 г. ) |