Scientific paper ID 1673 : 2018/3
Penko Tsvetkov Petkov The interaction between the wheel and the support surface depends on a number of vehicle performance properties. Rolling the wheel towards the road is the object of the management of some of the in-vehicle electronic systems. The operation of the algorithms embedded in the controlling systems of the movement of the car in real conditions is based on a generalized mathematical model of the rolling of the wheel. The main task in the mathematical model of the movement of the wheel is to create an objective and clear deion of the process of interaction between the pneumatic tire and road surface.
This work presents the process of non-stationary rolling of a pneumatic tire wheel on a non-deformable road surface as a subject of combined control with different input parameters. The output parameters of the wheel to be controlled are its angular speed, forward speed, and relative slip (relative slipping). A differential equation of wheel motion has been derived, whereby its output parameters can be determined. This provides an opportunity to study the characteristics of the vehicle`s control systems in various modes of operation in accordance with the adjusting and disturbing effects on the wheels. автомобилно колело; моменти действащи върху колелото; уравнение на движението; коефициент на сцепление; управляем обект; изходни параметри Резюме. От взаимодействието на ходовото колело с опорната повърхност зависят редица екслоатационни свойства на авPenko Tsvetkov Petkov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Buhin B. L. Vvedenie v mehaniku pnevmaticheskih shin. M.: Himiya, 1988. 224 s. ( [1] Бухин Б. Л. Введение в механику пневматических шин. М.: Химия, 1988. 224 с. ) [2] Gorelov V. A., A. I. Komissarov, B. B. Kositsyn. Issledovaniya dvizheniya avtomobilya v programmnom komplekse avtomatizirovannogo modelirovaniya dinamiki sistem tel. Zhurnal avtomobilnyh inzhenerov, № 1(96), 2016. s. 18 – 23. ( [2] Горелов В. А., А. И. Комиссаров, Б. Б. Косицын. Исследования движения автомобиля в программном комплексе автоматизированного моделирования динамики систем тел. Журнал автомобильных инженеров, № 1(96), 2016. с. 18 – 23. ) [3] Guskov V. V., A. A. Dzëma i dr. Issledovanie protsessa vzaimodeystviya vedushtih koles traktora s gruntovoy poverhnostyu// Nauka i tehnika, 2017, t. 16, № 1., s. 83 – 88. ( [3] Гуськов В. В., А. А. Дзëма и др. Исследование процесса взаимодействия ведущих колес трактора с грунтовой поверхностью// Наука и техника, 2017, т. 16, № 1., с. 83 – 88. ) [4] Kiencke U. and L. Nielsen. Automotive Control Systems – For Engine and Vehicle. Second edition. Springer – Berlin Heidelberg, 2005. 512 p. [5] Lapshin V. P., I. A. Turkin. Modeling Tractive Effort Torque of Wheel in Deformation Movements of Pneumatic Tire Wheel. International Conference on Industrial Engineering, ICIE 2017 Procedia Engineering 206 (2017). pp. 594 – 599. [6] Rill G. Wheel Dynamics. Proceedings of the XІІ International Symposium on Dynamic Problems of Mechanics. ABCM, Ilhabela, SP. Brasil, February 26 - March 2. 2007. 7 p. [7] http://www.springer.com. Basic principles of vehicle dynamics. Brakes, Brake Control and Driver Assistance Systems Function, Regulation and Components. Reif K. (Ed), 2014, VІІІ. 275 р. [8] http://www.springer.com. Mechanics of Wheel with Tire. The Science of Vehicle Dynamics, 2014, XІІ. 45 р. |