Scientific paper ID 1672 : 2018/3
Gavrilovic Branislav, Bundalo Zoran Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) have attracted a lot of attention due to environmental and efficiency reasons. Typically, an HEV combines two power trains, a conventional power source such as a gasoline engine, a diesel engine, or a fuel cell stack, and an electric drive system (involving a motor and a generator) to produce driving power with a potential of higher fuel economy than conventional vehicles.
This paper has presented an overview of the principle of hybrid propulsion system integration within railway vehicles. It summarizes continuing efforts in this subject area for the Railway College of Vocational Studies in Belgrade. The principle of hybrid propulsion systems are a key component of hybrid railway vehicles. There are considerable challenges in the selection of the device and the determination of suitable control strategies. The optimization potential of hybrids for particular routes and missions mean that redeployment of vehicles onto alternative routes may lead to suboptimal results, and for example, poor fuel economy and problems with energy storage device management. Practical implementation of hybrid systems introduces new challenges in terms of control and system architecture. The design philosophy for such systems should therefore embrace a modular nature which will be adaptable should sub-systems be upgraded, or different control strategies implemented. превозни средства в железопътния транспорт хибридни системи за задвижване.railway vehicle hybrid propulsion systems.Gavrilovic Branislav Bundalo Zoran BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] M. J. Hoeijmakers and J. A. Ferreira, “The electric variable transmission,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 1092–1100, Jul./Aug. 2006. [2] Hillmansen S and Roberts C. Energy storage devices in hybrid railway vehicles: a kinematic analysis. Proc. IMeche Part F: J. Rail and Rapid Transit, 221(1):135–143, 2007. [3] J. Kessels, “Energy management for automotive power net,” Ph.D. dissertation, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Feb. 2007. [4] Salmasi F R. Control strategies for hybrid electric vehicles: Evolution, classification, comparison, and future trends. Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on, 56:2393–2404, 2007. [5] James F H. Rule-based systems and identification trees. http://ai-depot.com/Tutorial/RuleBased.html... 2007. [6] Moore T C. Hev control strategy: implications of performance criteria, system configuration and design, and components election. Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 1997. [7] Caratozzolo P, Serra M, and et al. Energy management strategies for hybrid electric vehicles. Electric Machines and Drives Conference, IEMDC’03. IEEE International., 2003. [8] Lee C C. Fuzzy logic in control systems: fuzzy logic controller. i. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 20:404–418, 1990. [9] Hajimiri M H and Salmasi F R. A fuzzy energy management strategy for series hybrid electric vehicle with predictive control and durability extension of the battery. IEEE Conference on Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, 2006. ICEHV’06., 2006. |