Scientific paper ID 1669 : 2018/3

Ivan Ganchev Ganchev

In the scientific report has been made classification of types of industrial gas installations for natural gas and their elements indicating the essential ments to them. All the ments of the normative documents are examined, both in terms of their technical condition and their technical surveillance. An assessment has been made of the relevance of the current regulatory ments to the current used technologies, technical equipment and elements of industrial gas installations. Opportunities for optimization of the processes for the technical supervision of the industrial gas installations are presented. A new approach to the practical implementation of surveillance activities is presented as a way of introducing unified methods and procedures for technical surveillance of industrial gas installations for natural gas.

Промишлени газови инсталации ПГИ за ПГ технически надзор НУБЕПРГСИУПГIndustrial gas installations Industrial gas installations for natural gas technical surveillance Ordinance on Device and Safe Operation of transmission and distribution gas pipeliIvan Ganchev Ganchev


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