Научен доклад ID 1667 : 2018/3
Goran Pavlović, Mile Savković, Nebojša Zdravković, Goran Marković, Milomir Gašić The paper presents the optimization of the main girder of the double-girder bridge crane. The main girder is made as welded I-section. Standard rectangular rail for electric trolley running is welded over the top flange. The strength in characteristic points of the main girder section, girder deflection and its dynamic stiffness were analysed. Also, the influence of local bending stresses due to the trolley wheel - rail contact pressure as well as the girder lateral stability due to the ratio between the length and cross-section dimensions of the girder were considered. Thus, the analysis has taken into account the most significant influences for this type of structure. The optimization procedure was conducted by different numerical methods. The results are compared to manufactured cranes with standard rolled I-sections as main girders.
I-section optimum design double-girder bridge crane welded girderI-секция оптимален дизайн двугредов мостови кран заварен трегер Goran Pavlović Mile Savković Nebojša Zdravković Goran Marković Milomir Gašić BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Sowa L., Piekarska W., Skrzypczak T., Kwiatoń P., The effect of restraints type on the generated stresses in gantry crane beam, MATEC Web Conf., Vol. 157, 02046, (2018). [2] Mryankov I., Izsledvane naprezheniyata v glavnata greda naednogredov mostov kran s telferna kolichka s metoda na kraynite elementi, MTC AJ, Vol. 13 (3/2), No. 1198, (2015), pp. V17-V22. ( [2] Мрянков И., Изследване напреженията в главната греда наедногредов мостов кран с телферна количка с метода на крайните елементи, MTC AJ, Vol. 13 (3/2), No. 1198, (2015), pp. V17-V22. ) [3] Trahair N.S., Distortional buckling of overhanging monorails, Engineering Structures, Vol. 32, (2010), pp. 982-987. [4] Оzdemir К.М., Topkaya C., Lateral buckling of overhanging crane trolley monorails, Engineering Structures, Vol. 28, (2006), pp. 1162–1172. [5] Pavlović G., Savković M., Zdravković N., Bulatović R., Marković G., Analysis and optimization design of welded I-girder of the single-beam bridge crane, IV International Conference ”Mechanical Engineering in the 21st Century – MASING 2018”, Niš, Serbia, 19–20 April, (2018), pp. 145-150. [6] Gašić M., Savković M., Zdravković N., Marković G., Hot H., Stress determination in reinforced I-section bottom flange of single girder crane”, The Fifth International Conference On Transport And Logistics ”til 2014”, Niš, Serbia, 5–6 June (2014), pp. 123-128. [7] Mryankov I., Yonchev E., Izsledvane na naprezheniya ot obshto i mestno natovarvane v glavnata greda na ednogredov mostov kran s telfer, MTC AJ, Vol. 12 (3/3), No. 1067, (2014), pp. V1-V8. ( [7] Мрянков И., Йончев Е., Изследване на напрежения от общо и местно натоварване в главната греда на едногредов мостов кран с телфер, MTC AJ, Vol. 12 (3/3), No. 1067, (2014), pp. V1-V8. ) [8] Krastanov K., Izsledvane na metalni kranovi konstruktsii na mostovi kranove, MTC AJ, Vol. 14 (3/3), No. 1337, (2016), pp. V13-V19. ( [8] Кръстанов К., Изследване на метални кранови конструкции на мостови кранове, MTC AJ, Vol. 14 (3/3), No. 1337, (2016), pp. V13-V19. ) [9] Krastanov K., Kotsev N., Otnosno prichinite za avarii s tovaropodemni kranove, MTC AJ, Vol. 10 (3/2), No. 0718, (2012), pp. BG5.17-BG5.21. ( [9] Кръстанов К., Коцев Н., Относно причините за аварии с товароподемни кранове, MTC AJ, Vol. 10 (3/2), No. 0718, (2012), pp. BG5.17-BG5.21. ) [10] Qi Q., Xu G., Fan X., Wang J., A new specular reflection optimization algorithm, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 7(10), (2015), pp. 1–10. [11] He Y., Wang Z., Complex method mixed with PSO applying to optimization design of bridge crane girder, MATEC Web Conf., Vol. 104, 02010, (2017). [12] Ostrić D., Tošić S., Dizalice, Institute for Mechanization of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University in Belgrade, Serbia, (2005). [13] SRPS U.E7.101:1991, Provera stabilnosti nosećih čeličnih konstrukcija - Bočno izvijanje nosača, Jugoslovenski zavod za standardizaciju, Beograd, Serbia, (1991). |