Scientific paper ID 1664 : 2018/3

Nikolay Georgiev, Violina Velyova

According to the existing statistics in Bulgarian conditions, the most frequent traffic accidents are related to accidents between different road users. The most common occurrences are of the following types: accident between two or more vehicles, with the participation of vulnerable road users - pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists and single vehicle accidents (strike into an element of the infrastructure or into an element of the surrounding environment). Bulgaria`s position compared to the other countries in the European Union s a thorough examination of all the possibilities for improving traffic safety.

The current article discusses and examines key safety factors related to the interconnections between the driver, the vehicle, the road and the surrounding environment. There are summarized some of the existing methods of road safety assessment used in the world practice. On the basis of studied literary sources, the sequence of the operations necessary for the successful creation of an accident prediction models is presented. Two types of accident prediction models with the corresponding number of variables are proposed: accident prediction model for four-legged intersections signalized with traffic lights and respectively- the other type is for three-legged intersections with traffic signs.

транспорт пътна безопасност инфраструктура подходи и методиtransport road safety infrastructure approaches and methodsNikolay Georgiev Violina Velyova


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