Scientific paper ID 1662 : 2018/2

Miryana Evtimova, Veselin Stoyanov, Iliyan Ormanov

To achieve sustainable mobility, it is necessary to provide technical reliability of the vehicles throughout their operating time. Topical solutions for motor vehicle diagnostics are presented. They are regarded as technical systems, the complexity of which is determined not only by the large number of elements in them, but also by the diversity of the functional link between elements and parts of the system, the existence of many and varied modes of operation. Described are modern diagnostic tools and diagnostic equipment of Robert Bosch GmbH. A detailed overview of the capabilities of modern multifunctional full diagnostic software based on Ethernet, known as DoIP (Diagnostics over Internet Protocol), has been carried out. A review of the technical information provided by ESI [tronic] 2.0 has been performed through its main components: automotive diagnostics, technical service information, mechanics, online known problems, component repair instructions, and more.

In conclusion, the main challenges for automotive diagnostics as a component of the maintenance of motor vehicles are outlined. The need to optimize maintenance management through the development and implementation of new methods of technical diagnostics is justified.

Автомобилна диагностика моторни превозни средства ремонт и експлоатация диагностичен софтуер.Automotive diagnostics motor vehicle repair and operation diagnostic software.Miryana Evtimova Veselin Stoyanov Iliyan Ormanov


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