Scientific paper ID 1657 : 2018/2
Vesselin Daskalov The purpose of warehouses is a major factor in the determining their technical equipment, their technical level, the level of the automation of the processes in them and in choosing the work organization and technology. The logistics warehouses of the transport enterprises carry out the transformation of the goods flow parameters – the loads remain there until the owners receive them or until their next transport. This feature of the incoming cargoes s them to have a different addressing strategy. An implementation framework for this strategy has been developed here, based on a new model and an algorithm for flexible dynamic addressing that will increase the efficiency of logistics warehouses by reducing the travel distance of the material handling machines.
At the core of the system is a register of cargo owners containing information on the average storage time of the goods in the warehouse and dynamic allocation of storage capacity of zones of different sizes and with different priority for their occupation. The study shows that the implementation of the flexible dynamic addressing strategy can reduce the travel distance of the material handling machines to 18.89%, compared to traditional addressing strategies when executing the same queries. склад компютърен модел адресиране на товариwarehouse computer model cargo addressingVesselin Daskalov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Malikov O. B., Sklady gibkih avtomaticheskih proizvodstv, „Mashinostroenie”, Leningrad, 1986 ( [1] Маликов О. Б., Склады гибких автоматических производств, „Машиностроение”, Ленинград, 1986 ) [2] Krastev K. i dr., Skladovi i transportno-skladovi sistemi, „Tehnika”, Sofiya, 1992 ( [2] Кръстев К. и др., Складови и транспортно-складови системи, „Техника”, София, 1992 ) [3] Baev D., Boyadzhiev Ya., Sistemi za upravlenie na avtomatizirani skladove, „Tehnika”, Sofiya, 1981 ( [3] Баев Д., Бояджиев Я., Системи за управление на автоматизирани складове, „Техника”, София, 1981 ) [4] Krastev K. i dr., Organizatsiya i tehnika na skladovoto stopanstvo v promishlenostta, „Tehnika”, Sofiya, 1975 ( [4] Кръстев К. и др., Организация и техника на складовото стопанство в промишлеността, „Техника”, София, 1975 ) [5] Gadzhinskiy A. M., Sovremennyy sklad, „Prospekt”, Moskva, 2005 ( [5] Гаджинский А. М., Современный склад, „Проспект”, Москва, 2005 ) |