Scientific paper ID 1654 : 2018/3
Jasmina Bunevska Talevska, Marija Malenkovska Todorova Transportation systems have become more complex and frequently congested, and as a result, a reliable deion of traffic flow is a nontrivial problem. A lot of models have been proposed so far, unfortunately, none of them can be considered as an ideal or, at least, universal one. In general, traffic flow models can be grouped into four main categories depending on the level of detail: macroscopic, mesoscopic, microscopic and submicroscopic. Microscopic simulation has gained recognition as an effective way for quantifying traffic operations. Additionally, microscopic simulation models can address various types of network issues, and in more recent developments they also provide a tool for evaluating Advanced Traffic Management Systems, Travel Demand Management, Intelligent Transportation Systems and Advanced Traveler Information Systems.
Within this paper the microscopic analysis of traffic flow, ecological parameters such as CO and NOx Emissions through the educationally developed microscopic simulation model SFStreetSIModel, version 2.1 has been described and the microscopic simulation software introduced. Since the urban mobility planning has become the most important topic in the European Commission Sustainable urban mobility package, we hope that the results of this research will help in the procedures and actions for the development of sustainable urban mobility plan for the city of Bitola. Namely, the authors are trying to present that the analysis of environmental parameters as pedestrian traffic flow measures of effectiveness is one of the “Q” factors for sustainable urban mobility. градска мобилност симулация в микро среда моделиране пътнико поток ефективни екологични мерки.urban mobility microscopic simulation modeling pedestrian flow ecological measures of effectivenessJasmina Bunevska Talevska Marija Malenkovska Todorova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Krzyzanowski,M., et.al.: Health effects of transport-related air pollution, WHO Regional Office for Europe, Scherfigsvej 8, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark, 2005. [2] Kayal, P., Singh,R., Kumar, M.: Defining Sustainable Urban Mobility, The Energy and Resources Institute, TERI-NFA Working Paper No. (11), 2014. [3] Hitchcock,G., et.al.: Air Quality and Road Transport - Impacts and solutions, Royal Automobile Club Foundation for Motoring Ltd, June 2014. [4] Algers, S., et al.: Review of Micro-Simulation Models-SMARTEST, Final report for publication, ITS University of Leeds, 2000. [5] Temelkovski, S.: The sustainable development strategy of Macedonia, 2012. [6] Kumar, E: Green mobility, 2012. [7] Emissions of air pollutants from transport, European Environment Agency, 2017. [8] Air quality in Europe, European Environment Agency, 2017. [9] Bunevska, J., Malenkovska, M. 2011. Development of low speed urban street “side friction” models: case study, Suvremeni promet, Vol.31, No1-2, pp.75-80, ISSN 0351-1898, 2011. [10] Bunevska, J., Malenkovska, M. 2011. Contribution to sidewalk pedestrian level of service analysis, Transport Problems ISSN 1896-0596, The Silesian University Of Technology, Faculty of Transport, 2012. [11] Bunevska,T.,J., Malenkovska, T.M., et.al., Software Analysis of the Level of Air Pollution and Pedestrian Level of Service in the Downtown Area of Bitola, R.Macedonia, Suvremeni Promet – Modern Traffic, ISSN: 0351-1898, pp 64-67, Volume:33, Issue Number: 1-2, pp.64-67, 2013. [12] Bunevska, T.J., Malenkovska, T.,M.: A comparative analysis of educationaly developed microscopic traffic simulation model - SFStreetSIModel,version 1.1, Road and Traffic, ISSN 0478-9733, Belgrade, 2013. [13] European Commission, Environment, 2016. [14] European Commission Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy, 2016. |