Scientific paper ID 1651 : 2018/3
Nina Gergova Bulgarian higher education faces many challenges, related to the creation of European and global education market where the education process is becoming accessible to the masses.
The European and Bulgarian policy in the field of higher education is oriented to: higher quality and effectiveness of education, implementation of the lifelong learning approach, encouraging the innovations in the field of education. In the current paper, a characteristic of the education market status quo in Bulgaria is presented. The analysis is made in the condition of fierce competition, higher customer’s needs, demographic crisis, earlier school leaving, insufficient funding and misshapen structure of the education process. The system of the higher education in Bulgaria in various indicators for the period 2012-2017 is examined. The mechanisms for state regulation, by which the funding of higher schools in the last years is determined, are also presented in the paper. The status quo of the system is assessed in the help of various indicators, the negative trends are also taken into account, as well as the possibilities for increasing the quality of the education of students and the perspectives for the development of the higher schools. The main accent is put over the financial mechanisms for state policy related to the quality of education at the higher schools in Bulgaria. висше образование образователен пазар образователен услуга качество университетиhigher education education market education process quality universities.Nina Gergova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] NATIONAL STATISTICAL INSTITUTE OF REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA, www.nsi.bg [2] BULGARIAN UNIVERSITY RANKING SYSTEM, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE, 2017, http://rsvu.mon.bg [3] STRATEGY FOR DEVELOPMENT OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA FOR THE 2014 - 2020 PERIOD, https://www.mon.bg/ [4] EUROSTAT, http://ec.europa.eu [5] Gergova N., The Mechanisms of Higher Education Public Regulation in Bulgaria, Scientific Conference “MANAGEMENT 2018“ in Belgrade, 2018г. [6] Todorova D., Gergova N., EDUCATION MARKET CHALLENGES IN BULGARIA, , 22. Medzinárodná vedecká konferencia Riešenie krízových situácií v špecifickom prostredí”, Zilina, ISBN 978-80-554-1213-9, 2017г. [7] Varadinova J.,”A METHODOLOGY ROR CONDUCTING SURVEYS IN UNIVERSITIES AS REGARDS THE QUALITY OF LEARNING”, XIII International Scientific Conference ”Management and Engineering”15”, 2015. ISSN 1310-3946, ISSN 1314-6327, TU-Sofia, 2015г. [8] Kolev P., Todorova D., Visshe transportno uchilishte „Todor Kableshkov” - moderno obrazovanie i profesionalizam, Nauchno metodichesko spisanie ”Profesionalno obrazovanie”, izd. ”Az Buki”, MON, Sofiya, kn. 5, 2012, ISSN 1314-555H, str. 404-412, ( [8] Колев П., Тодорова Д., Висше транспортно училище „Тодор Каблешков” - модерно образование и професионализъм, Научно методическо списание ”Професионално образование”, изд. ”Аз Буки”, МОН, София, кн. 5, 2012, ISSN 1314-555Х, стр. 404-412, ) [9] Kolev P., Todorova D., Modelihg and control of traffic flows through intelligent transport processes, Nauchno-prakticheskiy zhurnal “Ekonomika i upravlenie: problemy i resheniya”, str. 109-115, 2017, ISSN 2308-927X ( [9] Kolev P., Todorova D., Modelihg and control of traffic flows through intelligent transport processes, Научно-практический журнал “Экономика и управление: проблемы и решения”, стр. 109-115, 2017, ISSN 2308-927X ) |