Scientific paper ID 1647 : 2018/3
Georgi Dimitrov The freight transport provides the materials and resources to the manufacturing facilities and the transport of the finished production to the consumer. It is an essential factor for the rhythmic and timely supply of the commercial network with goods for the everyday necessities of the population. The freight transport plays a key role in the economical and public development of the country as it is a necessary ment for the normal functioning of all economic sectors.
In order to ensure greater safety and regularity of transport, shorter delivery times and lower transport costs are d, part of the shipments to be carried out on land, another by water, third by air and the fourth part by pipeline. Each type of transport has specific features that determine the sphere of its effective use. In a market economy, there is a great deal of self-regulation of the transport system, which arises in the clash between the transport companies` striving for the most efficient organization of their transport activity and the ments of the clients for quality and cheap transport. In the present study successively are examined and analysed the role of the different types of transport in the national transportation system, the moved quantities of goods and the loading and transporting works carried out at the conditions of EU membership. The duration of the period under review (2007-2016) gives an opportunity to track major trends in freight transport development and to provide guidance and recommendations for its future sustainable development. товарен транспорт тенденции еврочленство.freight transport trends EU membership.Georgi Dimitrov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Strategiya za razvitie na transportnata sistema na Republika Balgariya do 2020 g., MTITS, 2010, ( [1] Стратегия за развитие на транспортната система на Република България до 2020 г., МТИТС, 2010, ) [2] Bakalova, V., Hr. Nikolova, Ikonomika na transporta, UI „Stopanstvo“, 2010, ( [2] Бакалова, В., Хр. Николова, Икономика на транспорта, УИ „Стопанство“, 2010, ) [3] Parvanov, Hr., i kol., Transport i zastrahovane, Izdatelski kompleks – UNSS, 2016, ( [3] Първанов, Хр., и кол., Транспорт и застраховане, Издателски комплекс – УНСС, 2016, ) [4] Statisticheski godishnik 2008 – 2016, NSI, ( [4] Статистически годишник 2008 – 2016, НСИ, ) [5] Statisticheski spravochnik 2008 – 2017, NSI. ( [5] Статистически справочник 2008 – 2017, НСИ. ) |