Scientific paper ID 1633 : 2018/3
Veronika Garkova The European policy on the air passenger rights is of crucial importance for delivering efficient transport services as well as for achieving socially sustainable development of air transport. Current developments in this sphere and the updated regulations for the protection of passengers` rights, allow to avoid the problems related to non-compliance. With regards to that, the main purpose of this report is to analyze the existing passengers’ rights protection systems by defining problem areas in order to reveal opportunities for their solution, while respecting the principles of fairness in flight failures due to delay, cancellation or non-admission to the board of the aircraft. Another important goal of this paper is to clarify the cases when passengers have to be compensated and their rights to be protected without being disturbed or circumvented.
The first paragraph of the paper presents an overview of the current passenger rights protection systems and it concludes the main passenger rights in air transport. Based on this, the second paragraph contains an evaluation of the problematic areas in the passenger rights’ procedures related to compensations and assistance as well as an analysis of the opportunities for their solving. In the conclusions, the main directions towards higher efficiency of transport services based on improved procedures of the EU policy for air passenger rights are recommended and their impact on the social sustainability of air transport is generalized. Въздушен транспорт права на пътници регламенти.Air transport passengers’ rights regulations.Veronika Garkova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Nikolova, Hr. Organizatsiya na transportnata deynost i targovska eksploatatsiya v transporta, UI „Stopanstvo “, Sofiya, 2010g. 101 str. ( [1] Николова, Хр. Организация на транспортната дейност и търговска експлоатация в транспорта, УИ „Стопанство “, София, 2010г. 101 стр. ) [2] Ofitsialen vestnik na Evropeyskiya sayuz, 2016. Reglament (EO) № 261/2004, https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/BG/... ( [2] Официален вестник на Европейския съюз, 2016. Регламент (ЕО) № 261/2004, https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/BG/... ) [onlayn, otvaryano na 20 may 2018] ( [онлайн, отваряно на 20 май 2018] ) [3] EP i Savet na Evropeyskiya sayuz,2004, Reglament (EO) № 261/2004, http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/BG/T... , Chlen 7 ( [3] ЕП и Съвет на Европейския съюз,2004, Регламент (ЕО) № 261/2004, http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/BG/T... , Член 7 ) [onlayn, otvaryano na 23 may 2018] ( [онлайн, отваряно на 23 май 2018] ) [4] Evropeyski parlament, 2006, GD GVA Reglament (EO) № 1107/2006, www.caa.bg/archive/page?category=96 ( [4] Европейски парламент, 2006, ГД ГВА Регламент (ЕО) № 1107/2006, www.caa.bg/archive/page?category=96 ) [onlayn, otvaryano na 23 may 2018] ( [онлайн, отваряно на 23 май 2018] ) [5] EP i Savet na Evropeyskiya sayuz, 2002, Reglament (EO) 889/2002, https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/BG/... ( [5] ЕП и Съвет на Европейския съюз, 2002, Регламент (ЕО) 889/2002, https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/BG/... ) [onlayn, otvaryano na 24 may 2018] ( [онлайн, отваряно на 24 май 2018] ) [6] Nikolova, Hr. Organizatsiya na transportnata deynost i targovska eksploatatsiya v transporta, UI „Stopanstvo “, Sofiya, 2010g. 103 str. ( [6] Николова, Хр. Организация на транспортната дейност и търговска експлоатация в транспорта, УИ „Стопанство “, София, 2010г. 103 стр. ) [7] Evropeyska Komisiya 2013, http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-1... ( [7] Европейска Комисия 2013, http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-1... ) [onlayn, otvaryano na 26 may 2018] ( [онлайн, отваряно на 26 май 2018] ) [8] Montreal Convention on air carrier liability, Official Journal of 18.07.2001, http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/T... [online, accessed 25 May 2018] [9] EP i Savet na Evropeyskiya sayuz, 2008, Reglament (EO) № 1008/2008, https://www.caa.bg/sites/default/files/regu... ( [9] ЕП и Съвет на Европейския съюз, 2008, Регламент (ЕО) № 1008/2008, https://www.caa.bg/sites/default/files/regu... ) [onlayn, otvaryano na 26 may 2018] ( [онлайн, отваряно на 26 май 2018] ) |