Scientific paper ID 1632 : 2018/3
Cvetelina Cvetkova Transport is one of the major industries playing a key role in the development of the country`s economy. A major factor influencing the development of the transport sector is the availability of financial resources for the realization of investments in the sector.
The quality of the proposed transport service depends on the state`s economic situation and the opportunities for investment in all aspects of transport. The transport sector is directly dependent on the state of the infrastructure. The implementation of projects related to the improvement of the infrastructure and projects for the modernization of the rolling stock are at the basis of the quality of the offered transport service. In this report the main emphasis is placed on the public urban transport on the territory of Sofia Municipality. The extent of public urban transport development is an important factor influencing people`s standard of living by providing the necessary links for access to jobs, health, administrative institutions, and culture and tourism development. It also has an impact on the state of the ecological situation in the cities and therefore the main objective of the strategic documents for development of the city of Sofia is to establish the town as an accessible, modern, safe and sustainable city. The report will look at the forthcoming investments and the investments made in recent years by Sofia Municipality and the transport operators operating in it in order to improve the service provided through the Sofia City Public Transport System (OGT). инвестиции транспортна инфраструктура развитиеКey words: investments transport infrastructure developmentCvetelina Cvetkova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Stolichna obshtina - https://www.sofia.bg/transport-our-strategy... ( [1] Столична община - https://www.sofia.bg/transport-our-strategy... ) [2] Programa za obnovyavane na avtobusniya transport na teritoriyata na Stolichna obshtina ( [2] Програма за обновяване на автобусния транспорт на територията на Столична община ) [3] Investitsionna programa na Stolichna obshtina po OP „Regioni v rastezh” Prioritetna os 1 „Izpalnenie na Integrirani planove za gradsko vazstanovyavane i razvitie ( [3] Инвестиционна програма на Столична община по ОП „Региони в растеж” Приоритетна ос 1 „Изпълнение на Интегрирани планове за градско възстановяване и развитие ) [4] Proekt ”Modernizirani tramvai za grad Cofiya” ( [4] Проект ”Mодернизирани трамваи за град Cофия” ) [5] Investitsionna programa na „Stolichen elektrotransport“ EAD 2017-2020 ( [5] Инвестиционна програма на „Столичен електротранспорт“ ЕАД 2017-2020 ) |