Scientific paper ID 1631 : 2018/3
Cvetelina Cvetkova The public transport of passengers on the territory of the Sofia Municipality is a publicly significant activity and represents the provision of passenger transport services on the territory of the municipality on a regular and non-discriminatory basis. Provides the necessary transport links for citizens to access jobs, health, cultural, etc. institutions needed in the everyday life of residents and guests of the city.
Sofia, as the fastest growing city in the country, both in the tourism and the economic sector, is needed to meet the challenges of providing a quality transport service to the growing population in the city. The quality of the service delivered is closely related to the availability of financial resources for the implementation of the activity and the implementation of improvements in the system. The availability of resources to realize the necessary investments for the system, both in terms of renewal of rolling stock operated by transport companies and in terms of transport infrastructure, depends on their proper management. The main unit in the structure of the financial management of the public urban transport on the territory of Sofia Municipality is the municipal company „Urban Mobility Center“ The report will examine the structure of the financial management of the revenues and expenditures incurred in the operation of public transport on the territory of the Sofia Municipality, presented as a functioning system in which the costs of the transport operators for the public transport of passengers are financed by different sources финансово управление разходи приходи превоз на пътници обществен градски транспортКey words: financial management costs revenue passenger transport public transportCvetelina Cvetkova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Ikonomicheska ramka za 2016 g. - Reshenie na SOS № 269 ot 14.04.2016 g. ( [1] Икономическа рамка за 2016 г. - Решение на СОС № 269 от 14.04.2016 г. ) [2] Ikonomicheska ramka za 2017 g. - Reshenie na SOS № 475 ot 27.07.2017 g. ( [2] Икономическа рамка за 2017 г. - Решение на СОС № 475 от 27.07.2017 г. ) [3] Doklad № SOA18-VK66-1370 ot data 22.02.2018 g. s vnositeli obshtinski savetnitsi Ekaterina Yordanova, Zafir Zarkov i Ivelina Dzhartova ( [3] Доклад № СОА18-ВК66-1370 от дата 22.02.2018 г. с вносители общински съветници Екатерина Йорданова, Зафир Зарков и Ивелина Джартова ) [4] Ikonomicheska ramka za 2018 g. – Reshenie na SOS№ 9 ot 01.02.2018 g. ( [4] Икономическа рамка за 2018 г. – Решение на СОС№ 9 от 01.02.2018 г. ) [5] Reshenie na SOS № 270 ot data 14.04.2016 g ( [5] Решение на СОС № 270 от дата 14.04.2016 г ) |