Scientific paper ID 1628 : 2018/3

Vlada Živanović, Issa Yousef

Modern business is viewed from the perspective of efficient use of the latest IT technologies as a basis for the efficiency of business operations both financial, economic, marketing and other sectors. This shows that there is an immeasurable contribution of the Internet in the business sphere.

Each business process begins with the use of e-mails in everyday communication for the development of financial activities, accounting, reports, as well as for the purpose of obtaining quality results.

This is the basis for developing the setting of sophisticated business and social networks for contacts. Today, the financial and every other business market at global level, in its daily communication, can not be successful without quality and fast information.

Modern business communications involve the efficient use of Internet information technologies. For success, we need to constantly implement new knowledge that brings successful business.

The goal is to adapt to all the changes that are being implemented in the field of IT technology in order to successfully incorporate ever new programs. Continuous monitoring of new knowledge in the world enables stepwise overcoming of some level of useful performance for efficient communication for the company`s own operations, as well as for their estimations of the useful performance of the Internet and the entire IT system. The goal is to identify changes in the external and internal environment that affect these systems.

The focus is on computer networks and system administration. This suggests that it is desirable that in a large number of companies in the world, more and more employees are hired on computer hardware and in adequate modern equipment.

The world is dominated by the success achieved by computer engineering and electrical engineering. Accordingly, the most effective communication programs in the field of the Internet, these programs world-class classes related to computer programming, networking or system design. Practice in the world says that network technology is constantly changing, which means that employed administrators - developers and the like. must constantly participate in the development of IT technology to track the latest achievements.

използване на информация интернет технологии съвременен бизнес финансови и други сектори.Usability of information Internet technology modern business financial and other sectorsVlada Živanović Issa Yousef


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