Scientific paper ID 1622 : 2018/3
Svetla Tzvetkova The effective functioning of passenger transport plays an important role in the country’s socio-economic development and is a prerequisite for fully satisfying the population’s travel necessities. In order to achieve that, it is necessary to improve the quality of passenger transport services. For this purpose, the impact of the individual factors related to the dynamic of passenger transport has to be analyzed and reported, and the appropriate strategic methods for analyzing, measuring and determining its demand should be implemented. This will provide opportunities for optimizing the production activity in transport firms, fully satisfying consumer criteria for the quality of the offered services and responding to demands, and simultaneously increase the social effectiveness of passenger transport. The more widespread and high-quality the freights are, the larger the social effect of passenger transport is. It has a multilateral manifestation, but the most important one is its manifestation in the following directions: satisfying the population’s various travel necessities, reducing travel time, ensuring more spare time and improving the population’s health.
The present report indicates the factors that influence the development of passenger transport, its socio-economic role is revealed, the necessity for it is substantiated and the models for assessing and analyzing the demand for transport services are indicated. търсене на пътнически превози фактори на въздействие социално-икономическа роля на пътническия транспорт метод за определяне на търсенетоdemand for passenger freights impact factors the socio-economic role of passenger transport methods for determiSvetla Tzvetkova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Tsvetkova, S. (2016), “Sotsialna efektivnost i kachestvo na gradskiya patnicheski transport”, IK na UNSS, Sofiya, ( [1] Цветкова, С. (2016), “Социална ефективност и качество на градския пътнически транспорт”, ИК на УНСС, София, ) [2] Parvanov, H., Tsvetkova, S., (2018), “Marketing na transporta i energetikata”, izdatelski kompleks na UNSS, Sofiya, ( [2] Първанов, Х., Цветкова, С., (2018), “Маркетинг на транспорта и енергетиката”, издателски комплекс на УНСС, София, ) [3] Mutafchiev, L. (2000), “Organizatsiya na gradskiya patnicheski transport”, Sofiya, UI “Stopanstvo”, Sofiya, ( [3] Мутафчиев, Л. (2000), “Организация на градския пътнически транспорт”, София, УИ “Стопанство”, София, ) [4] Vasilev, E. (1997), “Razvitie i efektivnost na patnicheskite prevozi”, Sofiya: UI “Stopanstvo”, Sofiya, ( [4] Василев, Е. (1997), “Развитие и ефективност на пътническите превози”, София: УИ “Стопанство”, София, ) [5] Poplavskiy A. (1960), “Statisticheskie metody izucheniya ekonomiki passazhirskih perevozak”, Uchenyye zapiski po statistike, Izdatelstvo AN, Moskva, ( [5] Поплавский А. (1960), “Статистические методы изучения экономики пассажирских перевозак”, Ученые записки по статистике, Издателство АН, Москва, ) [6] Tsvetkova, S. (2016), “Analiz i otsenka na gradskiya patnicheski transport na Sofiya i nasoki za negovoto razvitie”, IK na UNSS, Sofiya, ( [6] Цветкова, С. (2016), “Анализ и оценка на градския пътнически транспорт на София и насоки за неговото развитие”, ИК на УНСС, София, ) [7] Gorin, S., Maharev, I., (2010) “Prodazha uslug passazhirskogo transporta”, ucheb. Posobie, Vysshaya shkola, Moskva, ( [7] Горин, С., Махарев, И., (2010) “Продажа услуг пассажирского транспорта”, учеб. Пособие, Высшая школа, Москва, ) |