Scientific paper ID 1619 : 2018/3

Antoaneta Kirova, Boyan Mednikarov

”Blue growth” is a long-term strategy supporting sustainable growth in maritime transport and the maritime sector as a whole. As the engines of the European economy, seas and oceans represent a huge and untapped potential for innovation and growth. The contribution of the ”blue” economy to achieving the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy in its smart, sustainable and inclusive growth is about 5.4 million jobs, generating a gross added value of nearly € 500 billion a year. rising to 7 million people and nearly 600 billion euros respectively. For investment initiatives to promote the ”blue” economy in the EU in 2017, € 14.5 million are earmarked and € 8 million will be provided as initial subsidies for projects with high potential in emerging ”blue” sectors. Approximately € 6 million will be supported by projects in EU Member States to develop cross-border cooperation in the maritime industry. Among the major EU initiatives is the targeting of more than € 250 million in marine research funding in 2017, including € 40 million to support water transport to reduce emissions and € 30 million for maritime energy. € 50 million in EU funding will support the BlueMED initiative for cooperation on a healthy, productive and sustainable Mediterranean through science and research.

„синя“ икономика инвестиционни инициативи европейско финансиране трансгранично сътрудничество морска политикаblue economy investment initiatives European financing transborder cooperation maritime policyAntoaneta Kirova Boyan Mednikarov


[1] European Commission, Maritime Affairs, Blue growth,

[2] European Commission, Maritime Affairs, Blue growth, Sea Basin Strategy,

[3] Horizon 2020, Smart, Green and Integrated Transport,

[4] Stranitsa na OChIS, iztochnik: Organizatsiya_za_chernomorsko_ikonomichesko_satrudnichestvo
( [4] Страница на ОЧИС, източник: Организация_за_черноморско_икономическо_сътрудничество )

[5] Kolev P., Todorova D., Modelihg and control of traffic flows through intelligent transport processes, Nauchno-prakticheskiy zhurnal “Ekonomika i upravlenie: problemy i resheniya”, str. 109-115, 2017, ISSN 2308-927X
( [5] Kolev P., Todorova D., Modelihg and control of traffic flows through intelligent transport processes, Научно-практический журнал “Экономика и управление: проблемы и решения”, стр. 109-115, 2017, ISSN 2308-927X )

[6] Kolev P., Todorova D., Modelirovanie transportnyh potokov na intellektualnyye transportnyye sistemy pri dinamicheskie transportnyh protsesov), XI Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya, „Pravovyye i upravlencheskie problemy deyatelnosti gosudarstva i hozyaystvuyushtih subektov: rossiyskiy i mezhdunarodnyy opyt” 19-22 aprel 2016g., Domodedovo, BBN 978-5-4253-0802, Moskva, Integratsiya 2016 UDK 338.24 (082), str. 12, 2016g.
( [6] Kolev P., Todorova D., Моделирование транспортных потоков на интеллектуальные транспортные системы при динамические транспортных процесов), XI Международная научная конференция, „Правовые и управленческие проблемы деятельности государства и хозяйствующих субьектов: российский и международный опыт” 19-22 апрель 2016г., Домодедово, БBN 978-5-4253-0802, Москва, Интеграция 2016 УДК 338.24 (082), стр. 12, 2016г. )

[7] Todorova D., Kolev P., Otsenka ekonomicheskoy effektivnosti primeneniya intelligentnyh transportnyh sistem, XII Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya, „Pravovyye i upravlencheskie problemy deyatelnosti gosudarstva i hozyaystvuyushtih subektov: rossiyskiy i mezhdunarodnyy opyt” 04-06 aprel 2018g., Domodedovo, BBN 978-5-4253-0802, Moskva, Integratsiya 2018 UDK 338.24 (082), 2018g.
( [7] Todorova D., Kolev P., Оценка экономической эффективности применения интеллигентных транспортных систем, XII Международная научная конференция, „Правовые и управленческие проблемы деятельности государства и хозяйствующих субьектов: российский и международный опыт” 04-06 апрель 2018г., Домодедово, БBN 978-5-4253-0802, Москва, Интеграция 2018 УДК 338.24 (082), 2018г. )

[8] Todorova D., Gergova N., Christova M., Kolev P., Theoretical Analysis And Positioning Benchmarking As A Product Quality Measuring Instrument, MEST `( Management, Education, Science & Society, Technology) Journal ,VOL 2, № 1, 2018, JEL Classification: I2, I23, D83, Serbia , ISSN 2334-7171

[9] Kolev P., Todorova D., Modelihg and control of traffic flows through intelligent transport processes, Nauchno-prakticheskiy zhurnal “Ekonomika i upravlenie: problemy i resheniya”, str. 109-115, 2017, ISSN 2308-927X
( [9] Kolev P., Todorova D., Modelihg and control of traffic flows through intelligent transport processes, Научно-практический журнал “Экономика и управление: проблемы и решения”, стр. 109-115, 2017, ISSN 2308-927X )




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