Scientific paper ID 1613 : 2018/3
Doncho I. Ivanov Sustainable development is referred to as an internal and external policy for the creation of the European Union. The fundamental foundations for sustainable development are part of the Treaty of Lisbon amending the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community - in Article 2 and Art. 3a, as well as in the Europe Agreement. Of these, there is a fundamentally different value system, compared to the current neoliberal value system, and very similar to that of the UN sustainable development culture. This implies the change of the public education system in order to implement the principles of sustainable development and overcome the high risk status. Emergency motivation of significant human masses is needed in order to solve rapidly the problems that accelerate the growing threats, especially with the climate, with the reduction of resources and the challenges of the environment as a whole. Unfortunately, Bulgaria has chosen the way for Washington Consensus, shock therapy and market fundamentalism rather than sustainable development, and has not yet adopted a national sustainable development storm that hampers the process of policy synchronization with those of the EU and the United Nations. The choice is between global sustainability or unbalanced systems. A national and global coalition is needed to harmonize the processes taking place in the economy, society and the environment in order to continue human evolution and protect the human species.
устойчиво развитие хуманизъм ЕС ООНEU Sustainable DevelopmentUN HumanismDoncho I. Ivanov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Penchev, P. Humanizmat v Dogovora ot Lisabon.// Sp. „Kontakti”, VIII-2, 2008, Sofiya, 2008, s. 39-40 ( [1] Пенчев, П. Хуманизмът в Договора от Лисабон.// Сп. „Контакти”, VIII-2, 2008, София, 2008, с. 39-40 ) [2]Ofitsialen vestnik na Evropeyskiya sayuz, Godina 50, 17 dekemvri 2007/S306/01 ( [2]Официален вестник на Европейския съюз, Година 50, 17 декември 2007/С306/01 ) [3] Zagorov, O. Idealat. Velichieto na duha. S., UI „Sv. Kliment Ohridski”, 1998, s. 140 ( [3] Загоров, О. Идеалът. Величието на духа. С., УИ „Св. Климент Охридски”, 1998, с. 140 ) [4] Zagorov, O. Idealat. Velichieto na duha. S., UI „Sv. Kliment Ohridski”, 1998, s. 118 ( [4] Загоров, О. Идеалът. Величието на духа. С., УИ „Св. Климент Охридски”, 1998, с. 118 ) [5] Penchev, P. Humanizmat v Dogovora ot Lisabon.// Sp. „Kontakti”, VIII-2, 2008, Sofiya, 2008, s. 52 ( [5] Пенчев, П. Хуманизмът в Договора от Лисабон.// Сп. „Контакти”, VIII-2, 2008, София, 2008, с. 52 ) [6] Penchev, P. Humanizmat v Dogovora ot Lisabon.// Sp. „Kontakti”, VIII-2, 2008, Sofiya, 2008, s. 58 ( [6] Пенчев, П. Хуманизмът в Договора от Лисабон.// Сп. „Контакти”, VIII-2, 2008, София, 2008, с. 58 ) [7] Miltan, D. H. Hronologichni i tematichni diagrami na filosofskite sistemi, S., Izdatelstvo NOV ChOVEK, 1998, s. 43 ( [7] Милтън, Д. Х. Хронологични и тематични диаграми на философските системи, С., Издателство НОВ ЧОВЕК, 1998, с. 43 ) [8] Pri po-golyama svoboda. Doklad na Generalniya sekretar na OON. S., Fondatsiya „Ustoychivo razvitie za Balgariya”, 2005, s. 185 ( [8] При по-голяма свобода. Доклад на Генералния секретар на ООН. С., Фондация „Устойчиво развитие за България”, 2005, с. 185 ) [9] http://www.un.org/russian/documen/declarat/... [10] http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/document/ adgenda21toc.htm |