Scientific paper ID 1611 : 2018/3
Nikolay Georgiev, Violina Velyova The article discusses the medological safety issues in railway undertakings, the importance of safety management systems, their structure and their basic elements. In this connection the principles of the management of railway transport and railway enterprises are described. Safety management systems should have: enterprise safety policy, internal company rules and procedures, safety promotion methods, staff training and methods for hazard identification. Seven types of safety analyzes are described: conceptual, initial, detailed, systematic, functional, analysis during exploitation (at work), and according to the safety ments. The methods of safety analysis and assessment can be divided into the following groups: according to the objectives that are pursued, according to the type of analysis and to the chosen logical approaches. The article explores some of the most appropriate methods for safety research: Fault Tree Analysis, Event Tree Analysis, Pareto Analysis, Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP), X-Tree Analysis and analysis of consequences and factors, called Event and Causal Factors Analysis. Their main goals and their strengths and weaknesses, as well as guidelines for their use are presented. The importance and the role of safety in the improvement of the work of the railway undertaking is defined.
железопътен транспорт безопасност функционалност подходи и методиrailway transport safety functionality approaches and methodsNikolay Georgiev Violina Velyova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Direktiva 2001/13/EO otnosno litsenzirane na zhelezopatnite predpriyatiya. 2001. ( [1] Директива 2001/13/ЕО относно лицензиране на железопътните предприятия. 2001. ) [2] Direktiva 2001/16/EO za operativnata savmestimost na transevropeyskata konventsionalna zhelezopatna sistema. 2001. ( [2] Директива 2001/16/ЕО за оперативната съвместимост на трансевропейската конвенционална железопътна система. 2001. ) [3]Reglament (ES) № 1158/2010 na Komisiyata ot 9 dekemvri 2010 g. otnosno obsht metod za bezopasnost za otsenka na saotvetstvieto s iziskvaniyata za poluchavane na sertifikat za bezopasnost na zhelezopatniya transport, ( [3]Регламент (ЕС) № 1158/2010 на Комисията от 9 декември 2010 г. относно общ метод за безопасност за оценка на съответствието с изискванията за получаване на сертификат за безопасност на железопътния транспорт, ) [4] Reglament (EO) № 352/2009 na Komisiyata ot 24 april 2009 g. za priemane na obsht metod za bezopasnost otnosno opredelyaneto i otsenkata na riska v saotvetstvie s chlen 6, paragraf 3, bukva (a) ot Direktiva 2004/49/EO na Evropeyskiya parlament i na Saveta, ( [4] Регламент (ЕО) № 352/2009 на Комисията от 24 април 2009 г. за приемане на общ метод за безопасност относно определянето и оценката на риска в съответствие с член 6, параграф 3, буква (а) от Директива 2004/49/ЕО на Европейския парламент и на Съвета, ) [5] Vaysilova, E., Development of Management Decisions in the Conditions of Economic Risk, The 23th International Scientific Conference “Crisis Situations Solution in the Specific Environment”, 23th and 24th May 2018, Zilina, Slovakia, 2018 [6] Vaysilova E., Assessment and Management of Enterprise Liquidity in Conditions of Crisis. The Twenty International Scientific Conference Crises Situations Solution in the Specific Environment, Zilina, Slovakia, E.U., 20–21 May 2015. [7] Vaysilova, E., Integrated report - a new challenge for the undertakings in the transport sector of republic of bulgaria, Second International Conference “Transport for Today`s Society”, 17-19 May 2018, Republic Macedonia. 2018 [8] Georgiev, Nikolay. Monografiya „Integriran i sistemen podhod kameksploatatsionnata bezopasnost na zhelezopatniya transport”. Sofiya. 2015. ( [8] Георгиев, Николай. Монография „Интегриран и системен подход къмексплоатационната безопасност на железопътния транспорт”. София. 2015. ) [9] Georgiev, N. Knowledge management system for improvement of quality of railway transport service. XXI International Scientific-technical Conference “Trans&Motauto”, Varna, 2013. [10]Georgiev, N. Use of scientific approaches and methods for performance improvement of safety management systems in railways. XXII International Scientific-Technical Conference “Trans&Motauto”,Varna, 2014. [11] Georgiev, Nikolay. Guidelines for Achieving Successful Decisionmaking on Risk Acceptance in Rail Transport Undertakings. 20 International Scientific Conference Solving. Crisis Situations in a specific environment. Zilina 20-21 May 2015. [12]Georgiev, N. Managerial Ways for Avoidance of Crisis of Safety Management in Railways. The Nineteen International Scientific Conference Crisis Situations Solution in the Specific Environment, Zilina, Slovak Republic, 2014. [13] MIL-STD-882E, System Safety, U.S. Department of Defense, Standard Practice, Washington, D.C., 2012. |