Scientific paper ID 1607 : 2018/3

Lubomir Sekulov

It is well known that a considerable share of the electric transportation vehicles operating on urban transportation lines are equipped with a DC electric traction mechanism and impulse controls for their main modes of operation (traction and braking). The long years of exploitation of the vehicles, the ineffective service maintenance and the outdated technology are the main reason for the frequent failures in the control and defence systems, which reduces the reliability and the energy efficiency of electric transportation.

Through experimental testing of the trolleybus in real working conditions, the basic power and control parameters of the trolleybus during motion and braking have been taken, whereby the main control algorithms for the existing block were identified. The results of this testing were used as baseline data in drafting the terms of reference for the design and modernisation of the control block. The documentation relevant to the design of the new product was published during previous international fora.

Pursuant to a contract with Stolichen Elektrotransport EAD (Sofia Public Electrical Transport Company JSC), a new microprocessor control block was designed for a MAN trolleybus, currently in exploitation by the Iskar Trolleybus Depot in Sofia. It uses a new control algorithm in braking mode. The main reason for the modernisation was the low reliability and the ensuing failures of the original control block.

градски наземен електрически транспорт електрически транспортни средства тролейбус микропроцесорно управлениеelectric public road transport electric transport vehicles trolleybus microprocessor controlLubomir Sekulov


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