Scientific paper ID 1606 : 2018/3

Ivo Yotsov

In the context of globalization and the deepening fragmentation of production, transport is beginning to play a decisive role in the development of global supply chains. It is impossible for countries to develop successfully without integration into the global economic system. The Republic of Bulgaria has a favourable geographic position as a link between Europe and Asia. This determines the significant potential of the national transport system - a link between Europe`s and Asia`s transport systems. The development of large-scale infrastructure projects allows the country to be an Eurasian transcontinental transport bridge in directions China, Japan, Southeast Asia - Europe, Russian Federation - Western Balkans, Central Asia - Central Europe and the Middle East - Northern Europe. Taking into account the revival of the Silk Road through the implementation of China`s One Belt, one road initiative, Bulgaria has the opportunity to build an efficient and technologically advanced transport system that successfully would implement the country`s transit potential.

Черноморски регион Евразийски трансконтинентални транспортни връзки транспортен потенциал международни транспортни коридориBlack Sea Region Eurasian Transcontinental transport links transit potential international transport corridorsIvo Yotsov


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