Scientific paper ID 1604 : 2018/3
Teodor Berov, Petya Stoyanova The report examines the problem of traffic simulation and consequently determining the employment of Emergency Medical Assistance vehicles in handling calls randomly distributed over a certain period of time. A new approach is proposed based on the MS EXCEL software program, with maximum use of the capabilities of the Microsoft Visual Basic® for Applications (VBA), object-oriented programming language that is based on the BASIC language for rapid development of applications (RAD) and uses Google Maps ™ for distance and travel data. The simulation model is applied for Sofia, as shown by the results for one working day (300 generated calls). The model features specific phases of movement and stay with certain time frames, according to the medical standard ”Emergency Medicine” for medical triage in making calls, at a number of base stations for outpatient emergency medical care and their area coverage. The strategy for defining variables relating to patient care, along with call origination, is implemented, which leads to greater clarity of the task being created. The main application of the developed computer simulation model is to valuate optimization solutions related to determination of the number of sanitary vehicles and emergency response teams attached to them.
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