Scientific paper ID 1603 : 2018/3
Dimitar Dimitrov, Irena Petrova The development of the transport network in the Balkan Peninsula marked a significant increase over the last decade. This is inevitably linked to the overall growth of the states in the region. One of them is yet to join the union, and for others to reach the common European standard of development. Several European transport corridors pass through the Balkans, which explains the intertwining of various international interests. Against this background, we have a central place in the overall infrastructure picture, but that does not mean we will have the advantage of dictating the rules as they can easily circumvent us. That is why our challenge is to build a modern, safe and secure transport system to take advantage of transit traffic.
This report analyzes the development of transport infrastructure in the region. The analysis is based on the study of the development of the transport corridors in Bulgaria, in accordance with the national strategy expressed by the Ministry of Transport, the single European strategy for the construction and development of a common European transit transit system and other countries in the region. The main focus of the analysis is based on how and to what degree Bulgarian interests can be defended and vindicated against other interests in order to maximize the technical and economic parameters and stage for the construction and maintenance of our transport infrastructure. управление на проекти транспортна инфраструктура проучване анализ автомобилен железопътен воден транспортproject management transport infrastructure research analysis road rail water transportDimitar Dimitrov Irena Petrova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Integrirana transportna strategiya do 2030 g., odobrena ot Ministerskiya savet ( https://www.mtitc.government.bg/bg/category... ( [1] Интегрирана транспортна стратегия до 2030 г., одобрена от Министерския съвет ( https://www.mtitc.government.bg/bg/category... ) [2] Prilozhenie 4 ot ITS. Identifitsirane na proekti i protses na planirane ( https://www.mtitc.government.bg/sites/defau... ( [2] Приложение 4 от ИТС. Идентифициране на проекти и процес на планиране ( https://www.mtitc.government.bg/sites/defau... ) [3] Doklad №7 „Strategicheska ekologichna otsenka“, may 2017 g. ( https://www.mtitc.government.bg/bg/category... ( [3] Доклад №7 „Стратегическа екологична оценка“, май 2017 г. ( https://www.mtitc.government.bg/bg/category... ) [4] Reglament (ES) № 1315/2013 na evropeyskiya parlament i na saveta ot 11 dekemvri 2013 godina ( https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/BG/... ( [4] Регламент (ЕС) № 1315/2013 на европейския парламент и на съвета от 11 декември 2013 година ( https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/BG/... ) [5] Reglament (ES) № 1316/2013 na evropeyskiya parlament i na saveta ot 11 dekemvri 2013 godina ( https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/BG/... ( [5] Регламент (ЕС) № 1316/2013 на европейския парламент и на съвета от 11 декември 2013 година ( https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/BG/... ) [6] Ananiev S., Martinov S., Vazmozhnosti na zhelezopatnata infrastruktura v transgranichniya region Balgariya-Rumaniya za obosnovavane na tovarni intermodalni tsentrove, VTU „Todor Kableshkov“, Sofiya, 2017 ( http://www.vtu.bg/wp-content/uploads/2018/0... ) ( [6] Ананиев С., Мартинов С., Възможности на железопътната инфраструктура в трансграничния регион България-Румъния за обосноваване на товарни интермодални центрове, ВТУ „Тодор Каблешков“, София, 2017 ( http://www.vtu.bg/wp-content/uploads/2018/0... ) ) [7] TEN-T Trans-European Transport Network. Implementation Of The Priority Projects, November 2012 ( http://ec.europa.eu/transport/infrastructur... [8] Sayt na Izpalnitelna agentsiya na transevropeyskata transportna mrezha ( https://ec.europa.eu/inea/en/ten-t) ( [8] Сайт на Изпълнителна агенция на трансевропейската транспортна мрежа ( https://ec.europa.eu/inea/en/ten-t) ) [9] https://www.google.bg/maps/@44.472055,22.84... |