Scientific paper ID 1601 : 2018/3
Zlatin Trendafilov Problems associated with traffic jams in the cities and improving efficiency in traffic management systems are being considered. Different approaches for management of traffic lights are investigated. An adaptive regimen for junction control for controlling intersections associated with continuous adjustment based on instantaneous traffic volume, taking into account the connection between the intersections across the entire area is being presented and managed. A simulation model for coordinated traffic management for the real part of the urban road network is implemented through the AnyLogic software. Actual data on the movement of transport vehicles has been used. Different options for traffic lights change are considered. With the help of the developed model, the effects of adaptive traffic control of traffic lights are assessed. From the analysis of the results, a significant effect of the adaptive management of traffic lights is noticed.Using the developed model and defined criteria, the effects of adaptive control of traffic lights for a section of the road. From the analysis of the results experienced significant effect of the application of adaptive control of traffic lights. Proposals have been made to change the regulation of intersections.
Трафик симулации адаптивно управлениеTraffic simulations adaptive managementZlatin Trendafilov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] The Statistics Portal - www.numbeo.com [2] Todorova M. Usavarshenstvane normativnata baza s tsel podobryavane dvizhenieto v gradovete, Nauchno spisanie „Mehanika Transport Komunikatsii“, tom 14, br.3, 2016 g ( [2] Тодорова М. Усъвършенстване нормативната база с цел подобряване движението в градовете, Научно списание „Механика Транспорт Комуникации“, том 14, бр.3, 2016 г ) [3] Chandra R., Gregory C. InSync Adaptive Traffic Signal Technology: Real-Time Artificial Intelligence Delivering Real-World Results. InSync System Comparison..USA,2012 [4] Trendafilov Z. Analiz na metodite za opredelyane na svetofarnite uredbi. Nauchno spisanie „Mehanika Transport Komunikatsii , tom 15, br. 3, 2017 g ( [4] Трендафилов З. Анализ на методите за определяне на светофарните уредби. Научно списание „Механика Транспорт Комуникации , том 15, бр. 3, 2017 г ) |