Scientific paper ID 1597 : 2018/3
Jelena Maletić1, Lyudmila Prigoda2, Zoran Čekerevac3 With the increase in the volume of work in container traffic, the occurrence of ever-larger ships with the big draft, the growing demands for the shorter timing of distribution of materials, products, and containers, etc., there appeared also demands for new technological solutions in the organization of container shipping. One of the rationalization options is offshore Floating Container Storage Terminal (FCST) located near the hub port on the open sea, which can unload the warehousing and warehouse work of the port and which are used to transfer containers from large container ships or to load other cargo on a short-stay platform, and later shipping them to smaller ships for shipment to end-users. There are very complex ments for locating of such terminals, such as convenience of locations with sufficient depth of the sea, favorable climatic and hydrographic conditions, the closeness of smaller ports, sufficient sea surface for maneuvering, approaching, leaving the port, etc. In this regard, in the work are presented some characteristics of the offshore FCST terminals, the principles of their construction, alternative constructive solutions of supporting structures with special emphasis on FCST. Based on the experience, there are shown advantages and disadvantages of FCSTs, risk factors that are very important for the construction of such terminals, and economic assessment and justification of their construction.
крайбрежен терминал плаващ терминал за съхранение на контейнери технически решения икономически ефекти.offshore terminal FCST technical solutions economic effectsJelena Maletić Lyudmila Prigoda Zoran Čekerevac BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] M. Fousert, Floating Breakwater - Theoretical study of a dynamic wave attenuating system - Master thesis, Delft, Holand: Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, 2006. [2] I. Roa and et al., ”Ports: Definition and study of types, sizes and business models,” Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management (online), vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 1055-1064, 2013. [3] J. Kim and J. Morrison, Offshore port service concepts: classification and economic feasibility, Daejeon, South Korea: Springer, 2011. [4] J.-W. Chae, W.-S. Park, and G. Jeong, ”A hybrid quay wall proposed for a very large container ship in the west terminal of Busan new port,” in Coastal Engineering 2008 - Proceedings of the 31st International Conference, Hamburg, 2009. [5] J. March, ”Integrated terminal ship system comprises two finger piers with anchored platforms for locomotives for docking with the ships, and loading bridges”. Germany Patent DE10202384A1, 15 Jan 2002. [6] B. M. Kwak, ”Mobile Harbor: A New Technology for the 21 Century,” in UKC 2010 - Green Technology for a New World, Seattle, Washington, 2010. [7] A. Baird and D. Rother, ”Technical and economic evaluation of the floating container storage and transshipment terminal (FCSTT),” Transportation research, pp. 178-192, 30 Nov 2012. [8] H. E. Lindstad and E. Uthaug, ”Innovative technology: Ro-Ro vessel, terminal, and barge design that will improve the cost position and lead-time for the logistic chain,” in IMDC 03 Conference, Athens, 2003. [9] ”Alphaliner TOP 100,” 27 Apr 2018. [Online] Available: https://alphaliner.axsmarine.com/PublicTop1... [10] B. Pielage, J. Rijsenbrij, and et al., Floating cranes for container handling, Delft: Port Research Centre Rotterdam-Delft, 2008. [11] D. Prykhodov, ”Bulgaria interested in receiving Israeli natural gas - energy min - See more at https://seenews.com/news/bulgaria-intereste... 29 Jan 2018. [Online] Available: https://seenews.com/news/bulgaria-intereste... [12] Platts, ”Alexandroupolis LNG project FID slips to late 2018,” 20 Feb 2018. [Online] Available: http://www.shippingherald.com/alexandroupol... [13] Reuters, ”Bulgaria, Greece form task force to build Greek LNG terminal,” 31 May 2016. [Online] Available: https://af.reuters.com/article/energyOilNew... [14] S&P Global, ”New Greek LNG project FID slips to late 2018: partner GasLog,” 19 Feb 2018. [Online] Available: https://www.platts.com/latest-news/natural-... [15] A. Ali, The Floating Transshipment Container Terminal - Master thesis, Delft: TU Delft, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Hydraulic Engineering. Holand., 2005. [16] ”Bluewater to build turret and mooring system for Rosebank FPSO,” 7 Aug 2015. [Online] Available: https://www.offshoreenergytoday.com/bluewat... [17] BassiOffshore, ”Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring (CALM) - Floating,” 2017. [Online] Available: http://www.bassioffshore.eu/en/calm-floatin... [18] B. Davidović, Tehnologije kombinovanog transporta, Beograd: Vedes, 2012. [19] T. Nedyalkov and T. Andreeva-Nedyalkova, ”Trends in the Container Shipping and Need of a New Generation Container Terminals and Container Vessels,” in Scientific Proceedings XIX International Scientific-Technical Conference ”trans & MOTAUTO `11”, Burgas, Bulgaria, 2011. |