Scientific paper ID 1595 : 2018/3
Julia Varadinova, Simona Angelova An analysis of the quality of education in the corresponding majors of the professional field 5.13 “Engineering” has been carried out in the paper. The students‘opinions about the education and the postgraduate development have been researched through surveys. The professional development of the students who have graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Management and a Master’s degree in Project management has been studied.
One of the aspects of the education quality is the relationship between the educational process and the professional development of the graduated students with a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Management and a Master’s degree in Project management in both full-time education and distance learning. Therefore, on the one hand, the focus is on the problem with the correspondence between the received theoretical and practical knowledge and the employers’ ments for successful professional development, and, on the other hand, on the role of the “Todor Kableshkov” University of Transport for the further improvement of the education and the qualification of the students in the fields: industry, transport, spedition, logistics and other organizational and manufacturing industrial structures. The principal employers’ satisfaction of the preparation of the graduate students from the field 5.13 “Engineering” has been researched through surveys as well. качество на обучение анкетна карта анкета управление на качеството контрол на качеството професионална реализация.education quality questionnaire inquiry quality management quality control professional developmentJulia Varadinova Simona Angelova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Gergova N., Kompleksnaya model otsenki konkurentosposobnosti vysshih uchebnyh zavedeniy, XII Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya, „Pravovyye i upravlencheskie problemy deyatelnosti gosudarstvennyh struktur i hozyaystvuyushtih subektov: rossiyskiy i mezhdunarodnyy opyt” 4-5 aprel 2018g., Domodedovo, 2018g. ( [1] Гергова Н., Комплексная модель оценки конкурентоспособности высших учебных заведений, XII Международная научная конференция, „Правовые и управленческие проблемы деятельности государственных структур и хозяйствующих субьектов: российский и международный опыт” 4-5 апрель 2018г., Домодедово, 2018г. ) [2] Gergova N., The Mechanisms of Higher Education Public Regulation in Bulgaria, Scientific Conference “MANAGEMENT 2018“ in Belgrade, 2018г. [3] Vasilev D., Predizvikatelstvata pri izgrazhdaneto na integrirana sistema za upravlenie na protsesite vav Visshe transportno uchilishte „Todor Kableshkov”, XXI Mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya „Transport 2013”, 2013 IV-1. ( [3] Василев Д., Предизвикателствата при изграждането на интегрирана система за управление на процесите във Висше транспортно училище „Тодор Каблешков”, XXI Международна научна конференция „Транспорт 2013”, 2013 IV-1. ) [4] Dimitrov, D., Piskulev, P., Trendafilov, Z Mrezhov informatsionen model i sistema za podpomagane na uchebno-nauchnata i upravlenska deynost na VTU “Todor Kableshkov”. Sbornik dokladi na edinadeseta nauchna konferentsiya s mezhdunarodno uchastie TEMRT-2001, s. 113-116. ISBN 954-12-0072-9 ( [4] Димитров, Д., Пискулев, П., Трендафилов, З Мрежов информационен модел и система за подпомагане на учебно-научната и управленска дейност на ВТУ “Тодор Каблешков”. Сборник доклади на единадесета научна конференция с международно участие ТЕМРТ-2001, с. 113-116. ISBN 954-12-0072-9 ) [5] Grigorov G., ”Research on the motivation for choosing the military career”, The 24th International scientific conference KNOWLEDGE-BASED ORGANIZATION, 2018, Nicolae Balcescu Land Forces Academy Sibiu-Romania, (2018). [6] Berov, T., Trendafilov, Z. Obuchavashta sistema za organizirane na vlakovoto dvizhenie v zhp uchastak. XIV Nauchna konferentsiya “Transport 2004”, VTU “Todor Kableshkov”, Sofiya, s.31-34. ISBN 954-12-0104-0 ( [6] Беров, Т., Трендафилов, З. Обучаваща система за организиране на влаковото движение в жп участък. XIV Научна конференция “Транспорт 2004”, ВТУ “Тодор Каблешков”, София, с.31-34. ISBN 954-12-0104-0 ) |