Scientific paper ID 1574 : 2018/4

Plamen Parushev, Milen Mitkov

The approach used in writing the article on its problem and essence shows the need for a clear distinction between the categorical apparatus of law, sociology and even the general theory of economics, the possibility of digitizing the information with regard to the possibility to achieve the effect of the curved mirror ”, a disproportionate, distorted, illusory, albeit technological, idea of the real social and business environment.

It is a consideration of a different ”sounding” of European laws in Bulgarian law, due to their transposition, the transposition of regulatory transposition of business activities of an administrative nature, and direct regulation by EU directives. Regardless of the historical context, as well as the short presentation as a possible answer to the question: ”Is the European Parliament a European Convention?”, The issue matters to the current and future development of the European Union and to the integration of Bulgaria into the European market. The topic of the legal framework of transport activity and in general of the legal regulation of business practices, for government regulation through law and regulation or regulation through the market, remains open to specialists with a different scientific profile.

правна рамка транспортна дейност революция еволюция.legal framework transport activity revolution evolution.Plamen Parushev Milen Mitkov


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