Scientific paper ID 1565 : 2018/4
Yan Marchenko, Violina Velyova The article examines the current situation of road transport organization in Poland, Ukraine and Bulgaria. From geostrategic point of view each of these countries is located on very important transit routes. The state of roads in each of the countries plays a huge role for the overall development of the transportation in Eurasia. Comparing the characteristics and safety of road conditions gives the opportunity to make general recommendations for improvement. Each country must show a joint effort with the others to improve parameters of the integrated transport system.
организация на автомобилния транспорт безопасност Полша Украйна БългарияRoad transport organization safety Poland Ukraine BulgariaYan Marchenko Violina Velyova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Official website of World Road Transport Organization - https://www.iru.org/ [2] International Road Transport Union – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International... [3] Internet site of International Road Carriers Association http://www.erscharter.eu/en/content/interna... [4] Internet site of IRU- https://www.iru.org/who-we-are/members/memb... [5] Internet site of AEBTRI- https://www.aebtri.com/Default_en.aspx [6] Internet link with information for Pan European Corridors- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan-European_... [7]Internet link with information for highways in Poland: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highways_in_P... [8]Internet link with information for highways in Ukraine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roads_in_Ukra... [9]Internet site for Bulgarian plans for road infrastructure- http://www.worldhighways.com/sections/eurof... [10] Andruszkiewicz, W. (1997) Why building of Transeuropean Motorway North–South (TEM/A-1) has its beginning in Rusocino located on the South form Pruszcz Gdanski instead in Port of Gdansk? Spedycja i Transport, Nr 3/97. [11] Kapsa, E., Michael Roe. Development of highway network in Poland and the future development of polish ferry shipping. European Transport Transporti Europei n. 29 (2005): 59-70- https://www.openstarts.units.it/bitstream/1... [12]Klimek, H. Motorways in Poland – opportunities for success or threats for marine ports, (in) Competition of marine transport. Economy of marine transport. Scientific Exercises of University of Gdansk. 1999 [13]Internet site with information for the road transport organization in Ukraine http://ukravtodor.gov.ua/ [14]Internet site - https://mtu.gov.ua/en/ [15] State Statistics Service of Ukraine - https://ukrstat.org/en [16] Ukrainian Road Network: http://dlca.logcluster.org/display/public/D... [17] Todorova M., A. Dzhaleva-Chonkova, Karagyozov K., KNOW-IN Project Outcomes in Support of Training Road Transport Managers, ELSEVIER, Transportation Research Procedia, Volume 14, 2016, Pages 1492–1499, ISSN: 2352-1465 (16)30114-4 DOI: 10.1016/j.trpro.2016.05.113 [18]World Health Organization: http://www.who.int/violence_injury_preventi... [19]Summary on Road Safety - WHO http://www.who.int/violence_injury_preventi... [20] National Statistical Institute in Bulgaria- Road Traffic Accidents in the Republic of Bulgaria 2016 http://www.nsi.bg/en/content/15390/%D0%BF%D... [21] Georgiev, N. The present state of urban traffic in Bulgarian biggest cities - is it a transport crisis?, The Twelfth International Scientific Conference Crises Situations Solution in Specific Environment. Zilina, Slovakia. 20 and 21 June , 2007. [22]Raykov, R., N. Georgiev, I. Stoyanov, T. Berov. Technical Exploitation and safety in Transport. Todor Kableshkov University of Transport. Sofia. 2005. [23] Road Safety Management Capacity Review Guidelines http://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/transport... |