Scientific paper ID 1562 : 2018/1
Krasimir Krastanov Steel ropes are among the most loaded lifting gear components. Non-destructive control methods make it possible to verify the quality of a rope and the presence of defects in it without disturbing its integrity and suitability both physico-mechanical and structural. Multi-stacked work effort ensures high security and reliability of the ropes. The resource assessment models can be grouped into two categories: total durability and crack growth. For models in the first group, the time is determined until damage occurs without considering how to reach it. These models are quite conservative, providing the necessary reliability and safety.
After the presence of cracks is detected, the evaluation of the useful residual resource of the rope is already carried out on the basis of monitoring and forecasting the development of the wear. Predicting the current individual rope resource under certain conditions s periodic monitoring of its condition and assessment of the carrying capacity according to the available diagnostic information. Diagnostic indicators (wear or corrosion, as well as rupture of steel staples) can be used as input parameters of the structural mechanical rope model. The mechanical calculation of a rope with such defects allows: - to track the change in rope strength during work, - Identify areas of hazardous accumulation of defects with possible breakdowns, - plan the verification time and estimate the remaining life of the rope based on an analysis of the average degree of damage accumulation, - to define the overall rejection index in the form of a minimum safety factor (survival) of a rope with defects. Once cracks are detected, the evaluation of the useful residual resource of the rope is already performed on the basis of monitoring and predicting the development of wear. This functionality of the summarized approach provides protection against destruction prior to reaching the design-defined guaranteed resource and helps to increase the reliability and safety of the load-lifting ropes. The task of forecasting and assessing the resource of the rope is of a probabilistic nature. The article explores the residual resource of steel ropes intensively exploited in mining under different atmospheric conditions used for cargo handling. товароподемни въжета безразрушителен контрол изследванеlifting ropes nondestructive control researchKrasimir Krastanov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Feyrer, K.: Wire Ropes, Tension, Endurance, Reliability. Springer Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 2007. ISBN 3-540-33821-7 [2] D.N. Terebov, D.S.Gmyzov, D.V.Zorin , Kanaty gruzopodaemnyh ustroystv i podemnyh sooruzheniy, MEZhDUNARODNYY NAUChNYY ZhURNAL «INNOVATsIONNAYa NAUKA» №4/2016 ISSN 2410-6070 ( [2] Д.Н. Теребов, Д.С.Гмызов, Д.В.Зорин , Канаты грузоподъемных устройств и подемных сооружений, МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ НАУЧНЫЙ ЖУРНАЛ «ИННОВАЦИОННАЯ НАУКА» №4/2016 ISSN 2410-6070 ) [3] Pavlenko A.V., Korotkiy A.A., Puzin V.S., Halfin M.N., Medvedev V.V., Shtuchkin D.A.Ustroystva dlya nerazrushayushtego kontrolya sostoyaniya stalnyh kanatov, 2015 ( [3] Павленко А.В., Короткий А.А., Пузин В.С., Хальфин М.Н., Медведев В.В., Щучкин Д.А.Устройства для неразрушающего контроля состояния стальных канатов, 2015 ) [4] Kovalev O.F. Chislenno-eksperimentalnyye metody modelirovaniya magnitnyh i temperaturnyh poley v elektromagnitnyh ustroystvah. Diss. na soisk. uch. st. d.t.n. – Novocherkassk, 2001. 425 s. ( [4] Ковалев О.Ф. Численно-экспериментальные методы моделирования магнитных и температурных полей в электромагнитных устройствах. Дисс. на соиск. уч. ст. д.т.н. – Новочеркасск, 2001. 425 с. ) [5] Vorontsov A.N., D.A.Slesarev, V.Yu.Volohovskiy, Prognozirovanie individualnogo resursa stalnyh kanatov, Bezopasnost truda v promyshlennosti, N 12, 2009 ( [5] Воронцов А.Н., Д.А.Слесарев, В.Ю.Волоховский, Прогнозирование индивидуального ресурса стальных канатов, Безопасность труда в промышленности, N 12, 2009 ) [6] Naredba za bezopasna eksploatatsiya i tehnicheski nadzor na povdigatelni saorazheniya, DV. Br.88 ot 24 oktomvri 2014 g. ( [6] Наредба за безопасна експлоатация и технически надзор на повдигателни съоръжения, ДВ. Бр.88 от 24 октомври 2014 г. ) |