Scientific paper ID 1561 : 2018/1
Kalin Radlov, Krasimir Krastanov, Lachezar Lazov Lifting cranes are the most commonly used means of mechanization of the loading and unloading and assembly works in the production workshops and enterprises, as well as in all types of construction. Recently, ments have been growing in terms of selection of high-efficiency and economical electrical equipment for crane modernization processes and the compliance ments of new European standards have been strengthened.
The rated power indicated by the manufacturer is usually the highest power that the engine can run on its shaft for a long time without heating above the temperature acceptable for its isolation, this power refers only to the continuous / continuous operation of the engine at which temperature equilibrium is reached (mode S1). However, as the lifting cranes are known, the engine load changes and this must be taken into account when designing the new electric drive. Checking the power of the selected engine for the lifting gear is usually done on the basis of static power only, since the dynamic power has much lower values, and it only occurs when the crane mechanism is started / stopped, which is relatively small time in relation to the total engine running time, and in most cases may be disregarded. Verification of the maximum torque of the selected electric motor is performed in accordance with the ments of standard BSS EN 13135: 2014. Generally, meeting this criterion is a necessary condition for the mechanism to start / roll off its work normally. The present paper deals with some questions, and their answers, which very often are arising, when performing a modernization process of crane electrical equipment. There are reviewed a couple of basic rules and principles, which have to be observed for optimal selection of the new electrical equipment for hoist mechanisms of the crane, according to the new European standards. There are also reviewed the main characteristic data and technical parameters, which are necessary for performing verification of the new electrical equipment with regard to the norms and standards. At the end – there is purposed an approach for performing a multi-criteria assessment of the different options existing for crane’s electrical equipment modernization, with the purpose of optimal effect. товароподемен кран електрическо оборудване обновяванеhoist crane electrical equipment modernizationKalin Radlov Krasimir Krastanov Lachezar Lazov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] BDS EN 60034-1:2010 - Vartyashti se elektricheski mashini. Chast 1: Obyaveni danni i rabotni harakteristiki, ( [1] БДС EN 60034-1:2010 - Въртящи се електрически машини. Част 1: Обявени данни и работни характеристики, ) [2] BDS EN 13135:2013 - Kranove. Bezopasnost. Proektirane. Iziskvaniya za obzavezhdaneto, ( [2] БДС EN 13135:2013 - Кранове. Безопасност. Проектиране. Изисквания за обзавеждането, ) [3] Kolarov Iv., M.Prodanov, P.Karaivanov. Proektirane na tovaropodemni mashini. S.„Tehnika”, 1986g, ( [3] Коларов Ив., М.Проданов, П.Караиванов. Проектиране на товароподемни машини. С.„Техника”, 1986г, ) [4] BDS EN 4310:2010 - Kranove. Pravila i metodi za izpitvane. ( [4] БДС EN 4310:2010 - Кранове. Правила и методи за изпитване. ) |