Scientific paper ID 1558 : 2018/1
Stoyna Kostova Eurocode 7 is a standard different from the existing Bulgarian norms for geotechnical design. There are five ultimate limit states and three design approaches introduced in Eurocode 7- first part. Design approaches serve to check and compare the status of structure and soil according to corresponding ultimate limit state. For these ultimate limit states and design approaches are introduced different partial factors – factors for actions and effects of actions, for materials, for soil characteristics and for bearing capacity. Every EU country chooses her design approach which will be used to check and calculate geotechnical structures, according design approaches in Eurocode 7-1.
The article dealt with the determination of design values from characteristic values, and usage of partial factors concerning to the bearing capacity of the soil, to the actions and effects of actions, and to the soil parameters. Partial factors are grouped into different series according to Eurocode 7-1. These series of partial factors are d in the mentioned three design approaches. When we use different design combinations we receive different values for the bearing capacity of the soil. In the article is presented an example for determining the bearing capacity of a flat foundation according to the first design approach - combination two - from Eurocode 7. Bulgarian standardization institute continue work to improve Eurocode 7 and all European standards in the field of building engineering in our country. носеща способност земна основа Еврокод фундамент изчислителни методи.bearing capacity ground Eurocode foundation design approaches.Stoyna Kostova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] BDS EN 1997-1 na balgarski i na angliyski ezik, v elektronen variant. ( [1] БДС ЕN 1997-1 на български и на английски език, в електронен вариант. ) [2] Normi za proektirane na plosko fundirane Prilozhenie kam chl. 2, al. 1 ot naredba №1 na MTSV -1996g. ( [2] Норми за проектиране на плоско фундиране Приложение към чл. 2, ал. 1 от наредба №1 на МТСВ -1996г. ) [3] Natsionalno prilozhenie kam Evrokod 7– BDS EN 1997-1 / NA. ( [3] Национално приложение към Еврокод 7– БДС EN 1997-1 / NA. ) [4] BDS EN 1997-2 na angliyski ezik, v elektronen variant. ( [4] БДС ЕN 1997-2 на английски език, в електронен вариант. ) [5] EN 1990 na balgarski ezik, v elektronen variant. ( [5] ЕN 1990 на български език, в електронен вариант. ) [6] Natsionalnoto prilozhenie kam Evrokod 0 -BDS EN 1990:2003/NA:2008 BDS EN 1990:2002. ( [6] Националното приложение към Еврокод 0 -БДС EN 1990:2003/NA:2008 БДС EN 1990:2002. ) [7] Kostova S. Izchislitelni metodi za opredelyane noseshtata sposobnost na zemnata osnova spored Evrokod 7 i Balgarskite normi HH Mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya „Transport 2011” 2011. ( [7] Костова С. Изчислителни методи за определяне носещата способност на земната основа според Еврокод 7 и Българските норми ХХ Mеждународна научна конференция „Транспорт 2011” 2011. ) [8] Proektirane na plosko fundirane spored Evrokod 7 i sravnenie s dosegashnite Balgarski normi – obshti ponyatiya XX Mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya „Transport 2011” 2011. ( [8] Проектиране на плоско фундиране според Еврокод 7 и сравнение с досегашните Български норми – общи понятия XX Mеждународна научна конференция „Транспорт 2011” 2011. ) |