Scientific paper ID 1556 : 2018/1
Daniela Todorova, Diyana Marinova In the contemporary economic world, the key elements for companies’ existence and development are the staff competence and knowledge. These elements are necessary for the competitiveness of companies. As the human factor plays major role in the production process, it is necessary to be studied the main methods for implementing new companies’ knowledge and strategies. One of these methods is the staff education.
In the current research, it is studied the impact of the staff education process over the companies in the national economy, as the accent is put on the main problems, related to the effectiveness and motivation of personnel. The main conclusions and measures to be taken for problem solutions in the field of human resources management are summarised as a result of studying and analysing the staff education process in a few business organisations. The presented conclusions of the research could be successfully used in the process of companies’ strategic management in the field of staff education. процес на обучение проблеми ефективност на обученията краен резултат.education process problems effectiveness of education results.Daniela Todorova Diyana Marinova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Gyurova, V., Andragogiya. Izkustvoto da obuchavame vazrastnite. S., 1998. ( [1] Гюрова, В., Андрагогия. Изкуството да обучаваме възрастните. С., 1998. ) [2] Merdzhanova, Ya., Gospodinov, B., Tsvetanska, S., Institutsii i subekti na pazara na truda. S ., 2004. ( [2] Мерджанова, Я., Господинов, Б., Цветанска, С., Институции и субекти на пазара на труда. С ., 2004. ) [3] Atanasova, M., Podbor i obuchenie na personala. S., 1997. ( [3] Атанасова, М., Подбор и обучение на персонала. С., 1997. ) [4] Vladimirova, K., Upravlenie na choveshkite resursi. S., 1999. ( [4] Владимирова, К., Управление на човешките ресурси. С., 1999. ) [5] Strategii za upravlenie na choveshkite resursi, www.ekqnet.com/strategii-za-upravlenie-i-motivirane-na-cr.pdf, ( [5] Стратегии за управление на човешките ресурси, www.ekqnet.com/strategii-za-upravlenie-i-motivirane-na-cr.pdf, ) [6] OP „Razvitie na choveshkite resursi” 2014-2020 http:// www.ef.mlsp.government.bg, (“Razvitie na choveshkite resursi”) ( [6] ОП „Развитие на човешките ресурси” 2014-2020 http:// www.ef.mlsp.government.bg, (“Razvitie na choveshkite resursi”) ) |