Scientific paper ID 1555 : 2018/1

Krasimir Krastanov, Boris Petkov, Veseli Daskalov

The material presents original test bench for a speed limiter of a rope-mechanical lift and a methodology for conducting the test. Most accidents involving elevators associated with human injuries and deaths are mainly due to structural malfunctions and human errors caused by malfunctions and non-compliance. This calls for effective methods and approaches to be sought and a risk assessment to increase the safety of this type of machine. The need for a modern approach to safety research in the operation of lifts s the creation of a test bench for the operation of speed limiters. The following study and research objectives are realized through the stand for the study of the functioning of the speed limiter of a rope-mechanical lift: familiarization with the general arrangement and the design features of the speed limiters, acquaintance with the effect of the limiter and the interaction between the essential elements, study of the possibility of braking when the permitted speed is exceeded, finding the speed limiter trimming feature.

ограничител на скоростта асансьори стенд за изпитванеspeed limiter electric lifts research test bench.Krasimir Krastanov Boris Petkov Veseli Daskalov


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