Scientific paper ID 1551 : 2018/1
George Popov, Kamelia Raynova, Alexander Balevsky This paper gives quantitive indexes for identification in the diversity recognition systems. The formulas for known coefficients, such coefficient of identification, coeficient of false alarm ratio are suggested. For this purpose a set theory is used. This makes it possible to evaluate and synthesize existing systems of recognition (including alarm systems) and to evaluate their quality and reliability. This can be differentiated by the two characteristics: probability of recognition, probability of erroneous identification and overall identification of the identification.
диверситет излишък детектори разпознаване на образи детекция фалшива аларма идентификацияdiversity redundancy detection indentification recognition systems alarm systems false alarm ratioGeorge Popov Kamelia Raynova Alexander Balevsky BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] B. Littlewood, Strigini L., Redundancy and Diversity in Security, Centre for Software Reliability, City University, Northampton Square, London EC1V OHB, U.K. {B.Littlewood,L.Strigini}@csr.city.ac.uk [2] Hristov H., Popov G., Adequacy of Identification of Controlled Phenomena in Alarm Systems, International Scientific Conference Communication, Electronic and Computer Systems 2000, Sofia, May 2000, Vol. 1, p188-193 (in bulgarian language). [3] Popov G., Mladenov V., Modeling Diversity in Recovery Computer Systems, Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering pp 223-233, March 2009 [4] Popov G., Failures Detection Methodology in non Recovery Computer Systems Based on Diversity Modeling, International Journal of Computing, Volume 6, Issue 3, 2007 [5] Popov G., Ivanova D., Reducing false alarm ratio in outdoor passive infrared detectors, Advanced Aspects of Theoretical Electrical Engineering, Bulgaria, Sozopol, 2009 [6] Popov G., Diversity as tool for increase reliability of systems, International Scientific Conference Computer Science’2009, Turkey Istanbul [7] Popov G., Modelling Diversity as a Method of Detecting Failures in non Recovery Computer Systems, Information Technologies and Control, 2005, N2.pp15-19 [8] Popov G., A method for reducing the false alarm ratio in outdoor passive infrared detectors, International Scientific Conference “CompSystTech 2004”, Sofia, dec., 2004 |