Scientific paper ID 1549 : 2018/1
Georgi Dimitrov Abstract. This paper looks at the retrospective aspects of the technological development of maritime communications. It focuses on marine satellite applications and emphasizes modern demand for high speeds and broad bandwidth. Much of the current maritime communication systems are largely based on previous generations of ship-to-shore radios and have a relatively narrow bandwidth for digital communications and communications. The cost of bandwidth for satellite networks is still high due to the cost of decommissioning satellites as well as the stabilizers d for existing onboard antennas. On the other hand, the hereditary radio system uses low bandwidth and is unable to support applications requiring high data rates. Unlike terrestrial networks, advances in marine networks are lagging behind ground. As technology advances and the latest generation of Inmarsat, Iridium and VSAT satellites, the use of mobile apps and devices on board vessels as well as onshore is becoming more and more accessible
Ключови думи. Сателитни комуникации Инмарсат високоскоростно предаване на данни широка честотна лента Key words. Satellite communications Inmarsat high-speed data transmission broad bandwidthGeorgi Dimitrov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] ArcLight – a breakthrough in satellite communications Report during IEEE Conference 2012 Jan [2] Vandermeulen R., Hwang B. Commercial Technology Will Quickly and Dramatically Upgrade Vital Blue Force Tracking Network. ViaSat Inc, Carlsbad, CA, 92009 AIAA pp1-5 092407 [3] Preethi S.J, Rajeswari K. A Survey on Multiple Access Techniques for Mobile communication, International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS) Vol.1, Issue 4, Nov– Dec 2012 ISSN 2278-6856 [4] Bekkadal, F.: MarCom D4.1: ‘Novel Maritime Technologies’, MARINTEK Report, V1.0, 2009-01-05. [5] Rødseth, Ø. J. & Kvamstad, B.: ‘The role of communication technology in e-Navigation’, Draft MARINTEK Re-port, V07, 2008-06-20. [6] MarCom D3.1: “Case deions and user ments”, Draft version 01, 30.10.2011 [7] McMahon, M. M. & Rathburn, R.: ‘Measuring latency in Iridium satellite constellation data services’, US Naval Academy Report no: A291464, June 2005 [8] Gupta, O. M.:’ Iridium NEXT Partnership for Earth Observation’, Proceedings of the SPIE, 20 August 2008 [9] Berretta, G.: ’Highly Elliptical Orbit Satellite Systems’, IEE Colloquium on HEO Satellite Systems, May 2009 |