Scientific paper ID 1542 : 2017/2
Georgi Dimitrov Abstract. Fifth-generation mobile networks are paving their way to a future ubiquitous connectivity of devices, mobile specific applications and high quality of user experience. To realize such a new potential, the fifth-generation networks need to provide significantly greater network capacity, enable connectivity for devices with reduced latency and cost, and achieve significant energy savings compared to existing wireless technologies. The main purpose of this article is to explore potential network virtualization capabilities in order to improve the functional, architectural, and commercial viability of 5G mobile networks. This s increased automation, operational flexibility and reduced capital costs. The ETSI Specification Industrial Group publishes projects aiming at standardizing and implementing network function virtualization in the near futur
Ключови думи. Функции на мобилната мрежа оперативна ефективност мобилен трафик 5G виртуални мрежови функцииKey words. PLMN functions operational effectiveness mobile traffic virtualization 5G new standardsGeorgi Dimitrov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] J. G. Andrews etal., ”What Will 5G Be?” IEEE JSAC, vol. 32, no. 6,2014, pp. 1065-82. [2] ETSI GS NFV, ”Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV): Architectural Framework,” 2:V1.1.1, 2013. [3] I. Giannoulakis et al., ”On the Applications of Efficient NFV Management Towards 5G Networking,” Proc 10141st IEEE Intl. Conf. 5G for Ubiqui¬tous Connectivity, 2014, pp. 1-5. [4] R. Guerzoni, R. Trivisonno, and D. Soldani, ”SON-Based Architecture and Procedures for 5G Networks,” Proc. 1st IEEE Intl.. Cant 5G for Ubiqui¬tous Connectivity, 2014,2014, pp. 209-14. [5] H.-H. Cho et al, ”Integration of SDR and SDN for 5G,” IEEE Access, vol. 2, 2014, pp. 1196-1204. [6] A. Basta et al., ”Applying NFV and SDN to LTE Mobile Core Gateways, the Functions Placement Problem, Proc 4th Wksp. All Things Cellular: Oper¬ations, Applications, & Challenges, ACM, 2014, pp. 33-38. [7] A. Checko et al., ”Cloud RAN for Mobile Networks, A Technology Overview,” IEEE Commun. Surveys & Tutorials, vol. 17, no. 1,2014, pp. 405-26. [8] E. Hernandez-Valencia, S. Izzo, and B. Polonsky, ”How Will NFV/SDN Transform Service Provider OPEX?” IEEE Network, vol. 29, no. 3,2015, pp. 60-67. |