Scientific paper ID 1541 : 2017/2
Peter P. Branzalov, David Stoilkovski In the present work are experimentally determined some characteristics of an electric motor consisting of two identical ball bearings and a connecting metal axis between them. The action of the ball bearing engine is explained by the effect of Huber (J. Huber). Are examined current physical theories in literature sources related to attempts to describe the operation of the engine. Are described the features of this unusual engine in the literature sources. An active bearing engine is realized. The experimental study of this engine showed that engine torque was generated in the bearings. Experimentally, an engine with one bearing, dielectric axis and a small flywheel was realized. The order of the minimum current at which the engine is rotated is determined. It is confirmed that the motor can rotate in both directions, depending on the direction of the initial mechanical moment, where the direction of the current in both cases of rotation is the same.
електрически двигател лагерен електрически двигателelectric motor bearing electric motorPeter P. Branzalov David Stoilkovski BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Ball bearing motor, www. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ball_bearing_motor. [2 [. Hmelnik S.I., Obayasnenie effekta Gubera, www.vixra.org/pdf/1407.0142v1.pdf. ( [. Хмельник С.И., Объяснение эффекта Губера, www.vixra.org/pdf/1407.0142v1.pdf. ) [3] Milroy R.A., Discussion, Journal of Applied Mechanics, vol.34, Issue 2, p.525 (1967). [4] Gruenberg H., The ball bearing as a motor, American .Journal of .Physics, vol.46, Issue 12, pp.1213-1219, 1978. [5] McDonald K.T., Ball-bearing motor, http://www.physics.princeton.edu/~mcdonald/... /motor.pdf. [6] Marinov S., The Intriguing ball-bearing motor, http://www.electricstuff.co.uk/bbmotor.html... |