Scientific paper ID 1539 : 2017/2
Željko Hederić, Miralem Hadžiselimović, Nenad Cvetković, Dejan Barešić Improve model of the standard serial hybrid powertrain for city busses is presented. In classic topology recovered braking energy returns through the motor in the battery system. A combination of solutions with the compressed air as a dynamic reservoir for the recuperation of braking energy and the use of ICE waste heat energy as an energy booster is improved of design. The waste heat energy of ICE, that represents 65% of the consumed fossil fuels potential energy, is transferred to compressed air high-pressure vessel and by adiabatic process total energy is raised. Simulation results show that recuperated WHE can be transformed into mechanical energy up to 20% of fossil fuels potential energy. Improve design provides a rise of system efficiency to up 40%. Thus ultimately provides a total reduction of fuel consumption by over 37,5% compared to the standard topology of SHEV. The advantage of the presented system is that it reused WHE produced by ICE, so the overall efficiency of the SHEV power drive is increased and CO2 emissions are reduced.
serial hybrid powertrain ICE-internal combustion engine WHE-waste heat energy CAES-compressed air energy storage adiabatic processсерийна хибридна задвижваща система двигатели с вътрешно горене енергия от отпадъчна топлина капацитет за съхранение Željko Hederić Miralem Hadžiselimović Nenad Cvetković Dejan Barešić BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] A.Elgowainy, J.Han, L.Poch, M.Wang, A.Vyas, M.Mahalik, A.Rousseau // Well-to-Wheels Analysis of Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles//, Energy Systems - Argonne National Laboratory, June 01, 2010. [2] N.Nylund, K.Koponen // Fuel and Technology Alternatives for Buses//, VTT Technology (2012), 46, Anex 37. [3] Ž.Hederić, M.Hadžiselimović, B.Štumberger //Modeling of a Serial Hybrid Powertrain for Busses in the City of Osijek, Croatia// IEEE International Energy Conference proceedings (EnergyCon 2014), New York: IEEE, 2014, pp:1537-1543. [4] H.Kim, T.J.Wallington, R.Arsenault //Cradle-to-Gate Emissions from a Commercial Electric Vehicle Li-Ion Battery: A Comparative Analysis//, Environmental Science and Technology 50(14), 2016, pp:7715–7722. [5] T.Katrašnik, F.Trenc, S.R.Oprešnik //Analysis of energy conversion efficiency in parallel and series hybrid powertrains//, IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology 56 (6), 2007, pp:3649–3659. [6] B. Suh, Y.H. Chang, S.B. Han, Y.J. Chung //Simulation of a powertrain system for the diesel hybrid electric bus//, International Journal of Automotive Technology 13 (5), 2012, pp:701–711. [7] A. Burke, M. Miller //The power capability of ultracapacitors and lithium batteries for electric and hybrid vehicle applications//, Journal of Power Sources 196 (1),2011, pp:514–522. [8] N.El Ghossein, J.P.Salameh, N.Karami, M.El Hassan //Survey on electrical modeling methods applied on different battery types//, Technological Advances in Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (TAEECE), 2015 Third International Conference on, 2015, pp:39-44 . [9] B.Scrosati, J.Garche //Lithium batteries: status, prospects and future//, Journal of Power Sources 195 (9), 2010, pp:2419–2430. [10] M.Ehsani, Y.Gao, A.Emadi, //Modern Electric, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Vehicles//, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, 2010. [11] K.Davis, J.G.Hayes, //Analysis of electric vehicle powertrain simulators for fuel consumption calculations//, 2016 International Conference on Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway, Ship Propulsion and Road Vehicles & International Transportation Electrification Conference (ESARS-ITEC), 2016, pp:1-6. [12] J.B.Heywood, //Internal Combustion Engine Fundamental//, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, Edition 2011, pp:249-250. [13] J.S. Jadhao, D.G.Thombare, //Review on Exhaust Gas Heat Recovery for I.C. Engine//, Inter-national Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT), Volume 2, Issue 12, June 2013. [14] R.Saidur, M.Rezaei, W.K.Muzammil, M.H.Hassan, S.Paria and M.Hasanuzzaman, //Techno-logies to recover exhaust heat from internal combustion engines//, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2012, vol. 16, issue 8, pp:5649-5659. [15] Antti Lajunen, //Energy consumption and cost-benefit analysis of hybrid and electric city busses//, Transportation Research, Part C 38 (2014), pp:1–15. [16] J.S.Jadhao, D.G.Thombare, //Review on Exhaust Gas Heat Recovery for I.C. Engine//, International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT), (2013), Volume 2, Issue 12, pp:147-159. [17] S.Inage, //Prospects for large-scale energy storage in decarbonised power grids//. International Energy Agency (IEA), Paris (2009). [18] D.F.Gonzalez, A.Sumper,O. Gomis-Bellmunt et al, //A review of energy storage technologies for wind power applications//, Renew Sustain Energy Rev(2012) ,16(4), pp:2154–2171 [19] M.Budt, D.Wolf, R.Span et al.,//A review on compressed air energy storage: basic principles, past milestones and recent developments//. Appl Energy 170, 2016, pp:250–268. [20] Laijun Chen, Tianwen Zheng, //Review and prospect of compressed air energy storage system//, J. Mod. Power Syst. Clean Energy (2016) 4(4), pp529–541. [21] Debasis Ray, //An engine which uses air as fuel: Tata Motors and technology inventor//, MDI of France, sign agreement”, http://www.tatamotors.com/media/press-relea... [22] H.Holloway // Peugeot 2008 Hybrid Air prototype first drive review//. Autocar, UK Digit Ed, 〈 http://www.autocar.co.uk/car-review/peugeot... 2014. [23] Yan Chen,Yanqin Zhang, //Study on Exhaust Heat Recovery Utilizing Organic Rankine Cycle for Diesel Engine at Full-load Condition//, Proceedings of the FISITA 2012 World Automotive Congress, 2012, pp:1243-1253. [24] K.Mollenhauer, H.Tschöke,//Handbook of Diesel Engines//,Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2010, DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-89083-6. [25] Yi Dong, Li DaoFei, //Study on pneumatic-fuel hybrid system based on waste heat recovery from cooling water of internal combustion engine//, Science China Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013, Vol.56 No.12, pp:3070–3080. |