Scientific paper ID 1537 : 2017/2
Anna Plyushteva Sustainable urban mobility planning is becoming increasingly popular in many European cities. Some sustainable mobility measures are introduced not by local government, but by employers. Workplace sustainable mobility plans can have aims ranging from improving an organisations’ public image, to boosting employee job satisfaction or cutting company car costs.
Despite the growing popularity of such programmes, the evidence base remains scarce when it comes to the challenges employers and employees face during implementation, and the short- and long-term impacts of the implemented measures. Published studies on the topic predominantly rely on data gathered at large, white-collar organisations with 9-to-5 work hours. A comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness of workplace mobility measures should reflect the diversity of the urban economy and the everyday challenges of stakeholders. The present paper discusses preliminary results from a two-year study of commuting to small and medium-sized businesses in the HoReCa sectors of Sofia and Brussels. The project is based on a mixed-method design, which s an online survey and individual in-depth interviews with both employers and employees of hotels, restaurants, cafes and bars in both cities. The aim of the project is to collect up-to-date data on mobility improvement measures adopted by employers in the sector, the effects of such measures on the sustainability, convenience and affordability of staff journey, the difficulties employers face, as well as to identify opportunities for collaboration in designing relevant measures which reflect the specific needs of the sector. Устойчива мобилност Градски транспорт Пътуване до работа ХоРеКа София БрюкселSustainable mobility Urban transport Travel to work HoReCa Sofia BrusselsAnna Plyushteva BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] McDonald, Noreen C., and Annette E. Aalborg. ‘Why Parents Drive Children to School: Implications for Safe Routes to School Programs’. Journal of the American Planning Association 75, no. 3 (30 June 2009): 331–42. doi:10.1080/01944360902988794. [2] Cairns, S., C. Newson, and A. Davis. ‘Understanding Successful Workplace Travel Initiatives in the UK’. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 44, no. 7 (August 2010): 473–94. doi:10.1016/j.tra.2010.03.010. [3] Service public fédéral Mobilité et Transports. ‘Guide Des Bonnes Pratiques En Matière de Mobilité Durable Pour Les Déplacements Domicile-Travail’. Service public fédéral Mobilité et Transports, 2014. [4] Van Malderen, Laurent, Bart Jourquin, Isabelle Thomas, Van Devijver Elien, Ann Verhetsel, and Frank Witlox. ‘The Employer Mobility Plans: Benefits, Acceptability and Effectiveness’, 2010. http://www-sre.wu.ac.at/ersa/ersaconfs/ersa... [5] Enoch, Marcus. Sustainable Transport, Mobility Management and Travel Plans. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2012. [6] Lucas, Karen. ‘Providing Transport for Social Inclusion within a Framework for Environmental Justice in the UK’. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 40, no. 10 (December 2006): 801–9. doi:10.1016/j.tra.2005.12.005. [7] Barnfield, A., and A. Plyushteva. ‘Cycling in the Post-Socialist City: On Travelling by Bicycle in Sofia, Bulgaria’. Urban Studies, 22 May 2015. doi:10.1177/0042098015586536. [8] Lang, Debbie, Damian Collins, and Robin Kearns. ‘Understanding Modal Choice for the Trip to School’. Journal of Transport Geography 19, no. 4 (July 2011): 509–14. doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2010.05.005. |