Scientific paper ID 1536 : 2017/2

Miroslav Tsvetkov

This article represents the results of creating and functionalities of an integrated informational system in support of coastal zone management (IISSCZM) for operational ecological monitoring implementation in the European maritime areas and transport corridors. The system is built using object-oriented analysis and object-oriented design, allowing it to easily integrate data from additional sensors and other information systems. The functional capabilities of the system in relation to the maritime information systems of European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) and the possibility of their maintenance with operational data in the interest of the protection of marine ecology are analyzed.

The overall functionality of the created system fully corresponds to the functionalities of the maritime information systems of the EMSA and in some cases even exceeds them (for example, through the information layer on air traffic control over maritime areas and the possibility of remote thermal imaging on the sea surface objects and transmission of thermograms to the information system for post processing and analysis).

Another advantage of the IISSCZM, established in the Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy, is that, in addition to environmental monitoring, navigation and aviation control, it is also applicable to all activities related to the prevention and oil spill response in maritime transport. The special oil spill data layer visualizes the location of the oil spill and forecasts for its trajectory of motion and distribution based on current data on the strength and direction of the sea currents, the strength and direction of the wind and the temperature of the sea water.

MatLab ArcGIS EMSA информационни системи екология мониторинг морски транспортMatLab ArcGIS EMSA information systems ecology monitoring maritime transportMiroslav Tsvetkov


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