Scientific paper ID 1535 : 2017/2

Miroslav Tsvetkov

This article represents the results of creating an adaptive information system for planning, controlling and reporting the university educational process in the interest of enhancing its effectiveness and quality. The system was created and approbated in the Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy, Varna, Bulgaria in the 2012/1013 academic year, and continues to be used as a basic system for planning of semestrial timetable, analysis and reporting of the workload of the teaching staff and students. The high degree of adaptability of the information system allows to be used not only in the system of higher education, but also in the high school education system. During the preparation of the semestrial schedule, the informational system provides an output reports for overlapping of classes at a time, place, leading lecturer and student group. Wide range of additional check reports like: over-planned disciplines, incomplete planned disciplines, correspondence of the planned hours by type with the ones set in the curriculum, correspondence of the planned hours of a student group with the syllabuses for the semester, presence of insufficient number of places in the chosen hall for the occupation, etc. When the final version of the semester timetable is created, a number of references can be generated. For example: personal teacher report, personal semi- monthly- or weekly- schedule for each lecturer, student group, cabinet, department or faculty, a summary report of the actual and equivalent number of hours per type and volume for each lecturer for a certain period of time, etc. For more useful presentation of the semester’s timetable a web-based service and matrix hardcopy maker was created.

MatLab адаптивна информационна система планиране учебен процес качество ефективностMatLab adaptive information system planning learning process quality efficiencyMiroslav Tsvetkov


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