Scientific paper ID 1532 : 2017/3
Jelena Aksentijevic, Andreas Schöbel OpenTrack began a few years ago as a research project at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. The aim of the project, Object-oriented Modelling in Railways, was to develop a user-friendly tool that would answer questions about railway operations by simulation. One of the tasks OpenTrack supports is calculation of minimum headways (headway calculation), e.g. using the OpenTrack tool Headway Calculator. Based on a number of input parameters, the headway calculator computes the minimum headway between two trains and is able to identify the critical block section. The two trains may vary in type (e.g. intercity, commuter, freight, etc.), route and stopping pattern. The headway calculation works for fixed block (discrete block), moving block and CBTC systems. During the simulation predefined trains run on a railway network according to the timetable and under the constraints of the signalling system. After a simulation run, OpenTrack can analyse and display the resulting data in the form of diagrams, train graphs, occupation diagrams and statistics.
симулиране на железопътни превози извършени превози разписание изчисляване на капацитета.Simulation of railway operation operational performance timetable capacity calculationJelena Aksentijevic Andreas Schöbel BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Grossenbacher, P. Service Planning Strategies: The Example of the Passenger Transport Department of the Swiss Federal Railways. Rail International, June/July 2001, 118. [2] Nash, A. Best Practices in Shared-Use Rail Operations, Mineta Transportation Institute, San Jose State University, San Jose, California, June 2003. [3] Gibson, J. Train Performance Calculators and Simulation Models. Handout, Transportation Research Board, “TRB Workshop on Railroad Capacity and Corridor Planning.” January 13, 2002. [4] Huerlimann, D. Object oriented modeling in railways, ETH Dissertation Nr. 14281, 2001 (in German). [5] For more information on RailML see the project website: www.railml.org [6] Huerlimann, D. and Nash, A. OpenTrack – Simulation of Railway Networks. User Manual Version 1.3, ETH Zurich, Institute for Transportation Planning and Systems, May 2003, Page 58. [7] For more information on OpenTrack see the project website: www.opentrack.ch [8] Theeg, G. and Vlasenko, S. Railway Signalling & Interlocking. DVV Media Group. 2009. ISBN 978-3-7771-0394-5. [9] Schoebel, A. and Volcic, M. Microscopic Simulation of Railway Operation for Developing Integrated Timetables, CETRA 2014, Croatia |