Scientific paper ID 1529 : 2017/3

Bernhard Rüger, Christian Albl

Supported through the increasingly extended high-speed railway network in Europe, there are a wide range of considerations for replacing intra-European air traffic to a large extent with the railway. In short-haul traffic, the railway can thereby replace the whole of air traffic as well as play an essential role in feeder traffic on medium- and long-haul flights. In order to create a corresponding demand, the railway must be highly attractive and operate within the framework of an overall airport-feeder system. The following essay deals, from the point of view of travellers, with the basics that should produce a corresponding attractiveness and thus acceptance.

летищен влак доставяне на багажа по време на пътуване с влак потребителски нужди.airport train baggage drop off during train ride customer needsBernhard Rüger Christian Albl


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