Scientific paper ID 1528 : 2017/3
Goran Pavlović, Milomir Gašić, Mile Savković, Nebojša Zdravković, Goran Marković Column-mounted jib cranes belong to the group of cranes which are the most widespread in plants. The increased development of industry s shorter deadlines for the manufacturing and assembly of these cranes and, consequently, shorter design time. Deflection of these cranes often represents the main limiting factor in design. The paper presents the comparative analysis of expressions for analytical calculation of deflection of the jib tip defined by a lot of authors. The obtained results were compared by using the finite element method, as well as by experimental values. The recommendations for the selection of an adequate expression for calculation of deflection of the jib tip were given based on the comparison of results. The recommendation for the use of appropriate analytical expressions, which can considerably shorten the time of preliminary calculation in design of this type of cranes, was given based on the conclusions.
стрелови кран отклонение метод на крайните елементи.column-mounted jib crane deflection finite element method.Goran Pavlović Milomir Gašić Mile Savković Nebojša Zdravković Goran Marković BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Chaudhary S. A., Khan N.S., A review paper on structural analysis of cantilever beam of jib crane, International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science, (2015), Vol 3, No 3, p.p. 612-615. [2] Hadžikadunić F., Vukojević N., Huseinović S., An analysis of jib crane constructive solution in exploatation, 12th International Research/Expert Conference, ””Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology”” TMT 2008, Istanbul, Turkey, 26–30 August, (2008). [3] Yuan W., Kim B., Chen C., Lateral–torsional buckling of steel web tapered tee-section cantilevers, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, (2013), Vol 87, p.p. 31-37. [4] Andrade A., Providência P., Camotim D., Elastic lateral-torsional buckling of restrained web-tapered I-beams, Computers and Structures, (2010), Vol 88, p.p. 1179-1196. [5] Rajmane S.M., Jadhav A., Finite element analysis of jib crane, International journal of innovative research in technology , Volume 2, Issue 6, (2015), p.p. 404-407 [6] Gandhare K., Thute V., Design Optimization of Jib Crane Boom Using Evolutionary Algorithm. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER), Volume 3, Issue 4, (2015), p.p. 5-8 [7] Yawale P., Khandare N., Effect of Length of Boom Support Leg on Free Standing Jib Crane, International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER), Volume 4, Issue 5, (2016), p.p. 19-23. [8] Vakani C.A., Jani S.S., Analysis and Optimization of 270° Jib Crane Deflection: A Review, IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, Volume 2, Issue 10, (2014), p.p. 471-473 [9] Kiranalli S.S., Patil N.U., Jib Crane Analysis using FEM. IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, Volume 3, Issue 4, (2015), p.p. 185-189 [10] Khetre S.N., Chaphalkar S. P., Meshram A., Modelling and stress analysis of column bracket for rotary jib crane, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), Volume 5, Issue 11, (2014), p.p. 130-139 [11] Gašić V., Zrnić N., Rakin M., Consideration of a moving mass effect on dynamic behaviour of a jib crane structure, Technical Gazette, Volume 19, Issue 1, (2012), p.p. 115-121. [12] Ma X., Wang H., Column Jib Crane Based on ANSYS Analysis of Static Stiffness and Improving Measures, Progress in Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, Volume 522, (2012), p.p. 485-489 |