Scientific paper ID 1525 : 2017/3
Ivan Kolarov, Dobrin Dobrev Abstract: The aim of this work is to present a study of the elasticity, density and resonance frequencies of an aluminum sample (cast hull for pump production) with typical defects in order to create a model for vibroacoustic diagnostics of the defects.
A 3D model of the specimen was used to carry out the study and experiments with details of the proven technical condition (no defects and with defects, established and marked after leakage checking) were carried out. The elasticity modules are defined by well-established classical dependencies by measurerd acoustic characteristics and density. The theoretical values of the model”s own frequencies are calculated using a specialized software. Vibroacoustic measurement of resonant frequencies is carried out and the data are compared to the theoretical results. Statistical analysis of measurements is done. Scattering the results for one sample, comparable to the precision of sampling frequency measurement, is obtained. A change in some resonant frequencies due to the presence of a typical imperfection is established. The results obtained will be used to justify and create a vibroacoustic model for assessing the technical condition before mounting the housing. модули на еластичност плътност резонансни честоти възможност за регистриране на нецялостностиElasticity modules density resonance frequencies possibility to register discontinuitiesIvan Kolarov Dobrin Dobrev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] The Aluminum Automotive Manual. European Aluminium Association. Version 2002. [2] Harris’ shock and vibration handbook. Allan G. Piersol, editor.—5th ed. McGRAW-HILL. 2002. ISBN 0-07-137081-1. [3] Kolarov I. Diagnostika na povredi v mashinni elementi chrez modalen analiz. Str. 138, Sofiya, 2015 g. ISBN 978-619-90083-4-8. ( [3] Коларов И. Диагностика на повреди в машинни елементи чрез модален анализ. Стр. 138, София, 2015 г. ISBN 978-619-90083-4-8. ) [4] NX Nastran. Basic Dynamic Analysis User’s Guide. Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. 2008. [5] Mihovski M. Kompleksno izpolzvane na bezrazrushitelnite metodi za izsledvane na strukturata i fizikomehanichnite svoystva na metalni materiali. Disertatsiya za prisazhdane na nauchnata stepen „doktor na tehnicheskite nauki”, Institut po mehanika i biomehanika – BAN, Sofiya, 1991. ( [5] Миховски М. Комплексно използване на безразрушителните методи за изследване на структурата и физикомеханичните свойства на метални материали. Дисертация за присъждане на научната степен „доктор на техническите науки”, Институт по механика и биомеханика – БАН, София, 1991. ) |